100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki

When Name English Kanji
Rolling dice Rolling dice 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm rolling the dice! いっきいますよー!
Rolling dice 2 ▶️ ⏏️ There! えーい!
Rolling dice 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Go! とりゃー!
Rolling dice 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Gimme a good roll! お願いしまーす!
Using Boost/Event/Gift/Quest/Bounty card Use card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ This is it! これです!!
Use card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll show you! やってやりますよ!
Use card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm using a card! カードです!
Use card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, here I go with this. さーて、いきますよ!
Placing Trap card Trap card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ He he he, I'll set a trap here. ふっふっふっ、罠を張っちゃいました
Trap card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ He he ha, it's a trap. うひひ、トラップですよー
Trap card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Who will fall for it? 誰か引っかかるかなぁ
Trap card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ *Sneak, sneak*... こそこそ…
Using Battle card Battle card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm using this one! この子を使いますからね!
Battle card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll win the battle with this! 勝ちにいきますよ!
Battle card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ A battle card! バトルカード!!
Battle card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ This battle is mine! このバトル、もらいました!
Using Hyper Mode Hyper card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Hyper Mode is on! ハイパーモードです!!
Reviving Revived 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I've been revived! 復活です!
Revived 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm all okay again! 元気になりました!
Revived 3 ▶️ ⏏️ It's time for revenge. リベンジ開始ですよ!
Revived 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm not giving up just yet. まだ諦めませんからね!
Revive roll failed Revive failed 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Uuugh, it was no good. むむむ…ダメでしたぁ…
Revive failed 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no... そんなぁ…
Revive failed 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Heeeh, no reviving this time... ひぃ…復活失敗です…
Revive failed 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Uuuaaaaa... うぅー…
(Attack)/Snowball Attack/Bounty Attack Attack 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm attacking! アタックです!
Attack 2 ▶️ ⏏️ There! とりゃー!
Attack 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Attack! あたっく!
Attack 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Take this! うおりゃー!
Taking out-of-battle damage Effect Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ouch... 痛っ!
Effect Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts! いたいですっ
Effect Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Kewww! きゃいんっ
Effect Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Uuuugh. あわわっ
Healing Healing 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That hits the spot... 癒やされますぅ…
Healing 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Pheeeew... ほわぁ…
Healing 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm feeling better. 元気がでますねぇ
Healing 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I think I can go on. まだまだ頑張れそうです
Warping Warp 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Wh-where am I going? ど、どこへ行くんでしょうっ
Warp 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm getting blown away... 飛ばされるぅ~
Warp 3 ▶️ ⏏️ No no no no noooo! わわわわわー!
Warp 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm feeling dizzy! 目が回るー!
KO'd out-of-battle KO 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Waaaaaaaan... うわーん!!
KO 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Kewww... きゅー
KO 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm down... もう…ダメです…
KO 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Waaaaww... あぅー
Battle (Attacker) Challenging enemy 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll get you! やっちゃいますよ!
Challenging enemy 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Battle me! バトルです!
Challenging enemy 3 ▶️ ⏏️ You're wide open! スキ有り!
Challenging enemy 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Fight me. 戦います
Battle (Defender) Being challenged 1 ▶️ ⏏️ It's on! 勝負です!
Being challenged 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Bring it on! かかってこいです!
Being challenged 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoa, are we gonna fight? わわ!バトルですか!?
Being challenged 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm not losing to you! 負けませんよー!
Attacking Attack in battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Take thiiiis! しゅばば!
Attack in battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Like this! おりゃー!
Attack in battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ QP attack! きゅーぴーあたっく!
Attack in battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Eeeeey! ええーい!
Light Damage Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oww. ひぃっ!
Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Ugh. きゃんっ
Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts! いたいっ
Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Stop it! やめてぇっ
Heavy Damage Major damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Aaaargh ぎゃああ!!
Major damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Boohoo... ぶへぇ!
Major damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts so much! いったーい!!
Major damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Geh! げふぅ…っ
Evading Evasion 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Hey, watch it! あ、危ないですよ!
Evasion 2 ▶️ ⏏️ That won't work! あたらないですっ
Evasion 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Hop. ひょいっと
Evasion 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Witness my beautiful dodge! 華麗な身のこなしです!
Winning in Battle Winning a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I won! 私の勝ちですね!
Winning a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I won! I won! 勝った勝った!
Winning a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I did it! やりましたよぉ!
Winning a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ E-hem, aren't I great? ふふん、どうですか!
KO'd in Battle/Losing Game Losing a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I-I lost... ま、負けちゃいました…
Losing a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Gueeee... ぐぇー
Losing a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Hieeee... ひぇえ…
Losing a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You're terrible... ひどい…です…
Bonus Panel Bonus panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm taking them all! いただきまーす!
Bonus panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Jingling stars! じゃらじゃらー
Bonus panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ So yummy! おいしいです
Bonus panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm so happy! 嬉しいです
Drop Panel Drop panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ M-my stars... わ、私のスターがぁ…っ
Drop panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Gyaaaah! ぎゃあー!
Drop panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Hieeee... ひえぇ…
Drop panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Aaaaah! ああああー!
Stepping on Trap Stepping on a trap 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Huh? A trap? ふぇ!?トラップ!?
Stepping on a trap 2 ▶️ ⏏️ W-was that a trap? わ、罠ですか!?
Stepping on a trap 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Ugh... I fell for it... ぎゃん!ひっかかっちゃいました…
Stepping on a trap 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Uhii... Can't believe I stepped on a trap here... うひぃ!こんなとこに罠なんて!!
Vs. Boss Encountering a boss 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Th-that guy looks pretty tough... つ、強そうなのが出てきましたよ…
Encountering a boss 2 ▶️ ⏏️ *Gulp*, that's scary... ごくり…怖いのがいますね…
Encountering a boss 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Fueee, here comes a strong one... ふえぇ…強敵出現です
Encountering a boss 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm sensing danger... 危険な予感です!
Star Norma Star Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll be swimming in stars! スターで懐暖か(あったか)です!
Star Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'd like to enjoy the jingle of stars. じゃらじゃら感を堪能しましょう!
Star Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm gathering stars! 星を集めます!
Star Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Lots of stars, lots of dreams! スターいっぱい夢いっぱいです
Wins Norma/Fame Norma Win Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm going to take them all down! みーんなはっ倒しちゃいますから!
Win Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ It's an all-you-can eat battle buffet! がしがしバトっていきますよ!
Win Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoever gets in my way, watch out! 目についた敵はみんなやっつけましょー!
Win Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll win all the battles, and the game! バトルに勝ってゲームにも勝つ!
Selecting Character Selecting character 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Looks like I'm needed. Count on me! 私の出番ですね!まかせてください!
Selecting character 2 ▶️ ⏏️ QP's here! きゅーぴーちゃんでーす
Selecting character 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm a Pomeranian. Got a problem? ポメラニアンですがなにか
Selecting character 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I knew you'd choose me! そうですよね、私選んじゃいますよね
Starting Game Game starts 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm doing my best! さぁ、頑張りましょー!
Game starts 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Here I go! いっくぞー!
Game starts 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm pumped up and ready to go! はりきっていきましょー!
Game starts 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm hyped! わくわくしますね!
Winning Game Winning games 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Yes! Victory is mine! やったぁ!私の勝利です!
Winning games 2 ▶️ ⏏️ See how good I am now? I won! どやぁ!勝ちました!
Winning games 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Give me some pudding as a reward! ご褒美に、プリンよろしくです!
Winning games 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I won! I won! 勝った勝ったー♪
Item Drop/Crate Drop Obtaining new stuff 1 ▶️ ⏏️ A new thing came in! おにゅーの品が出てきましたよ!
Obtaining new stuff 2 ▶️ ⏏️ It's a new and shiny thing! 新しいのゲットです!
Obtaining new stuff 3 ▶️ ⏏️ This will make me more powerful! これで戦力強化です!
Obtaining new stuff 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Hooray, I got a new item! わーい!NEWアテムです!
Whack a Poppo/Track the Card Generic Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Okay. おっけーです!
Roll 0 on Drop panel Generic Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Good. いいですね!
Whack a Poppo/Snowball Position Generic Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Yes. はい!
Whack a Tomomo/Alte Generic Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ No. いいえ!
Bad Prize Generic Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ How could this... なんいうことでしょう…っ
Star Treasure Generic Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Hooray! いやったー!!
Neutral Prize Generic Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ Seriously? えー?
Battle Prize/Supporter Revive Generic Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's go. れっつごーです!
Generic Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's see what I'll get. 何が出るかな♪
Using Fury/Iron Defense Generic Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ Here I go! いきます!
Greeting (Home Screen/Joining Lobby) Generic Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Hello! こんにちは!
Miss Prize/Track the Card Generic Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ What do I do... どうしましょう…
Generic Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ Nice! いいです!
Hyper Treasure/Good Prize Generic Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ Wow, that's amazing... はわわわ…すごいぃいい…
Fail Norma check/Roll 0 on Bonus panel/Miss Match/Bad Prize (Match 2) Generic Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no... むぁー!!!
Using Other Hyper Enemy Hyper 1 ▶️ ⏏️ This card is mine now! いっただきでーす!
Enemy Hyper 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm going to play this card! 使わせてもらいまーす!
Enemy Hyper 3 ▶️ ⏏️ This card came to me... That means I get to play it, right? 私のとこに来たってことは… 使っていいんですよね?
Enemy Hyper 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, I don't know what this does, but I'll use it anyway! よーし よくわかんないけど使っちゃいますからね!
Special Lines
Vs. Yuki (any) Special Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ What, Yu-Yuki... ひぇっ、ゆ、ユキさん…
Vs. Syura Special Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Syura, aren't you cutting it close with your deadline? しゅらちゃん、締め切り大丈夫なんですか?
Vs. Saki Special Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I feel like there's something we must fight over... あなたとは因縁を感じます…っ
Getting more than 10 stars from one bonus panel Special Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ It's a nice jingle. 素敵なジャラジャラ感です…
Vs. Sweet Breaker Special Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll protect Pudding! プリンは私が守ります!
Vs. Aru (any) Special Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Sa-Santa?! Are you the real one? さ、サンタさん!ほんものですか!?
Vs. Kyousuke Special Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm a girl, you know! 私は女の子ですから!
Using Sweet Guardian / Selecting pudding card in Deck Builder / Equipping Pudding pet / Buying Pudding from Bakery Special Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Pudding! プリン!
Vs. Kyupita (attacking) Special Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoa, a lookalike of me!? わわっ 私のそっくりさん!?
Vs. Kyupita (defending) Special Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ S-somehow you don't feel like a complete stranger... た 他人って感じしませんね…
Vs. Nath (attacking) Special Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Wow, miss! You have a smell that attracts doggies! わっ お姉さん ワンちゃんに好かれそうな匂いしてますね!
Vs. Nath (defending) Special Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ Bowwow! わんわんっ
Vs. Natsumi (attacking) Special Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ Natsumi! Let's play! なっちゃん! あーそびーましょ!
Vs. Natsumi (defending) Special Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ Whee! I'll play with you! I'll play with you! わーい 遊ぶ遊ぶ!
Vs. Mei (attacking) Special Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ I-I'll get back at you for always bullying me! ふ 普段いじめられてるうらみー!
Vs. Mei (defending) Special Line 16 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no! There's a bully here! ぎゃー! いじめっこー!
Taking damage from Seagull/Big the Jonathan Special Line 17 ▶️ ⏏️ Aaah! Please stop pecking at meee! きゃーっ、つっつかないでくださいぃいいっ
Stepping on Bad Pudding Special Line 18 ▶️ ⏏️ Nooo! Why would you do that to pudding?! うわーん! せっかくのプリンがぁ!!
Stepping on Dangerous Pudding Special Line 19 ▶️ ⏏️ Th-this pudding... looks dangerous...! こ このプリン… 危ない…っ
Stepping on Tragedy in the Dead of Night Special Line 20 ▶️ ⏏️ Where's my pudding?! Where is it?! どこ!? 私のプリンっ!!!
Special Line 21 ▶️ ⏏️ Hooray, it's pudding! ...Aaaaargh!!! わーいプリンだー! ぎゃああ!!!!

Note: Announcer voice lines cannot be listened to in the in-game Gallery. English and Kanji captions provided by Wiki staff.
When English Kanji
Opening the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Orange_Juice and Fruitbat Factory. オレンジジュースアンドフルーツバットファクトリー
{{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Shindenken. しんでんけん
Title screen {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ 100% Orange Juice! 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ!
Start of player 1 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 1. プレイヤーワン
Start of player 2 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 2. プレイヤーツー
Start of player 3 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 3. プレイヤースリー
Start of player 4 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 4. プレイヤーフォー
Starting a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Battle. バトル
Winning a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Win. ウィン
Triggering a bonus panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Bonus. ボーナス
Triggering a drop panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Drop. ドロップ
Triggering a draw panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Card draw. カードドロー
Triggering warp panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp. ワープ
Triggering a move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Move. ムーブ
Triggering warp move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp move. ワープムーブ
Triggering a trap {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Trap triggered. トラップ発動
Skipping a turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Skip. スキップ
Stopping on a panel affected by Immovable Object {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Stop. ストップ
Triggering a norma check without meeting the requirements {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma check. ノルマチェック
Reaching level 2 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 1 achieved. ノルマレベルワン達成
Reaching level 3 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 2 achieved. ノルマレベルツー達成
Reaching level 4 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 3 achieved. ノルマレベルスリー達成
Reaching level 5 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 4 achieved. ノルマレベルフォー達成
Winning the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Final norma achieved! 最終ノルマ達成!
Attempting to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connecting. コネクティング
Successfully connecting to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connected. コネクティド
Failing to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Failed. フェイルド
Attempting to connect to a full lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Lobby full. ロビーフル
Another player joins the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player joined. プレイヤージョインド
Another player leaves the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player left. プレイヤーレフト
