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2022年11月12日 (土)

  • 最新 10:002022年11月12日 (土) 10:00Yutsuten メッセージウォール 投稿記録 668バイト +668 ページの作成:「{{Hyper-TwoCard | title1 = Do Pirates Fly in the Sky? | title2 = Flying Pirate | Template1 ={{HyperCard | name = Do Pirates Fly in the Sky? | effect = Set "Flying Pirate" on 2-3 random panels. | type = Event | level = 3 | cost = 20 | illustrator = Junpyon | flavor = "There ain't no law against pirates flying in the sky." ―Tequila }} | Template2 ={{HyperCard | name = Flying Pirate | effect = Fight a Pirate Crew Member summoned by the player who set this card. The…」