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2022年8月20日 (土)

  • 最新 09:182022年8月20日 (土) 09:18Yutsuten メッセージウォール 投稿記録 573バイト +573 ページの作成:「{{Character | hp = 4 | attack = ±0 | defense = +1 | evade = +1 | recover = 5 | passive = When challenged to a battle, there is a 50% chance a Pirate Crew Member will fight in your place. If this Pirate Crew Member is KO'd in battle, it will not fight for you for 3 chapters. Pirate Crew Member gives 1 Win on KO and gives stars gained in battle to your unit. | dlc# = 33 | voice = Kuwahara Yuuki | link = https://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=creator&creatorid=383…」