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2022年8月20日 (土)

  • 最新 09:002022年8月20日 (土) 09:00Yutsuten メッセージウォール 投稿記録 440バイト +440 ページの作成:「{{Character | hp = 5 | attack = +1 | defense = ±0 | evade = -1 | recover = 5 | passive = Permanently turn every held card with Pudding in name into Tragedy in the Dead of Night. When someone else triggers your trap, gain 1 Win. Gain no Wins from fighting neutral enemies. | dlc# = 15 | voice = Aiya Saki | link= https://twitter.com/aiyasaki | origin = 3 | theme = scheme inc. | gender = F }} ==パッシブ== ==概要== ==サマリー==」