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2022年8月24日 (水)

  • 最新 13:372022年8月24日 (水) 13:37Yutsuten メッセージウォール 投稿記録 435バイト +435 ページの作成:「{{Character | hp = 6 | attack = +2 | defense = +2 | evade = -1 | recover = - | passive = Cannot be damaged or KO'd outside of battle. Challenge other units when passing by them. If the opponent is defeated in battle, steal 1 fame, gain a stack of Soul Eater and heal 1 HP if not Awakened. Give 2 fame + stolen fame when KO'd. | illustrator = Ikuse | origin = 11 | theme = Devil Disaster | gender = - }} ==パッシブ== ==NPC概要==」