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2022年10月7日 (金)

  • 最新 11:432022年10月7日 (金) 11:43Yutsuten メッセージウォール 投稿記録 801バイト +801 ページの作成:「{{Card-TwoCard |Template1={{Card |type = Battle |effect = If opponent uses a battle card in this battle, if not restricted by player order its effect is applied as though you played it instead. If successful, opponent does not pay the card cost. |level = 3 |cost = 10 |limit = 1 |illustrator = LVmNoT |rarity = Rare |set = Community Pack 3 |flavor = "The train's full of dangerous stuff?!" —Tomato }} |Template2={{Card |type = Battle |name = Deceptive Disarming (Co-op…」