100% Orange Juice Wiki
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The 100% Orange Juice! wiki is proud to be the home of multiple Discord servers within the community. While many wikis only offer one Discord, we at the OJ wiki would like users to find the best Discord that fits their needs and unite all ends of the community. As a result, we have worked with multiple servers within the community to link them all together in one location. Please read the description and then press the logo to be invited to the server. We hope you find a community that you can enjoy! If you would like to have us add your server, please see the Apply tab at the top of this page.

Fruitbat Factory

Fruitbat Factory Community Server
The Fruitbat Factory Discord!
Fruitbat Factory's Discord server. This server is a non-OJ specific server owned by FBF. Here they announce updates for all of their games and any kickstarter projects. This is the best place to report bugs that are not covered by the Bugs guide.

Main Servers

100% OJ Wiki
The 100% Orange Juice Wiki Discord!
The OJ wiki's Discord server. This server acts as the wiki's discussion forum for visiting users and editors. Here you can ask questions for quick answers or discuss changes to the wiki. It is also the best place to hear about the wiki's latest updates.
100% OJ Community Server
The 100% Orange Juice Community Discord!
The newest OJ community constructed as an updated version of the original server with a strong foundation. Best place to make new friends and speak about OJ and other games in the series in a strong stable server.

Specialized Servers

100% OJ R&D
The 100% Orange Juice Research and Development Discord!
The research and development Discord server. This server focuses on developing character strategies, experimenting on card relationships, and discovering new game details. The best place for advanced and competitive information.
Competitive Orange Juice
The Competitive Orange Juice Discord!
A server focused on the competitive scene of 100% Orange Juice. This server features frequent tournaments, along with heavy discussion about character viability, game strategy, and tier list rankings.
100% OJ Modding
The OJ Modding Discord!
The OJ Modding Discord. This server can teach the user how to add their own custom mods to OJ. This includes character, card skins, music, and even custom boards. Mods created by the community are also available for download as well.
200% Mixed Juice Blender
The 200% Mixed Juice Discord!
A small but dedicated Discord for everything 200% Mixed Juice!
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
The Acceleration of SUGURI 2 Discord!
A community Discord for Acceleration of SUGURI 2.
Tournaments, streams, detailed character discussions and more!

Applying to become an affiliate Discord featured on the wiki is simple. Simply enter the 100% Orange Juice Wiki Discord server, and make a request to the admins. The admins will then check your server to see if it fits within the guidelines put forth by the wiki. If the server appears to follow all requirements and is positive for the wiki, the server will receive a button template and affiliate link. Once the button is provided to the admins by the requesting server's staff, it will be added to the wiki's Discord listing. If the Discord server is rejected, the server owners may try again at another time to apply (ideally months later). There should be no constant requesting/badgering of an admin to receive affiliation, as this is a very quick way to receive a rejection.

Requirements for Affiliation

  • The Discord must be centered around 100% Orange Juice!, or other games developed by Orange_Juice. While other topics are allowed of course, the main focus of the server must be on the games or an aspect of them.
  • The Discord must be active enough to be supportable and have an active staff.
  • At a bare minimum, at least 100 members must be on the server and the server must be remotely alive from day to day. It is not the OJ wiki's job to make a community take off. The best communities are the ones that sustain themselves. We will make compromises, however, if the Discord proves to be invaluable to the wiki with the information it provides.
  • We will also include a link to the Discord in our server's #affiliates channel. While a link back to the 100% OJ wiki's Discord isn't mandatory, it's always appreciated.
  • The Discord must have filters on content. NSFW content and role-playing of any kind is not supported by the 100% OJ wiki. Role-playing would need to be kept to a specific chat and NSFW would need to be locked with special rights, however, we prefer that neither existed at all.
  • The Discord must be willing to participate in polls posted by wiki staff, and be willing to speak with them if need be. They must be willing to cooperate. This is not to imply coercion, we just want a good relationship between the Discords.
  • The Discord is willing to make its own wiki button after being provided with the template.

Restriction, Revocation, and Disclaimer

  • We will not feature the Discord of specific streamers. The OJ is looking for Discord servers based around the game, not about a single entertainer/gamer who happens to play the game. We obviously love those who do stream OJ; however, it is not appropriate to link the entire community to it. For visitors who are interested in finding streamers, we recommend checking out the 100% Orange Juice category on Twitch.
  • We will not add any servers or groups that endorse the exclusion of players based upon level or status. We at the 100% OJ wiki believe in an all-inclusive Orange Juice community where all levels, opinions, and people are permitted. This includes tier lists, game change concepts, and unpopular ideas. We are committed to fairness and any form of elitism and/or inability to tolerate different opinions holds no future on the wiki.
  • For the purpose of user experience, the wiki ask that all servers must be completely apolitical. While politics may arise from time to time, it is not to be a constant subject of discussion or memes/images. Likewise, owners/admins of servers are also not to discuss their political opinions or argue or harass others about them. A server found not to be in compliance with this rule will have its application immediately barred or have their pre-existing listing on the wiki revoked.
  • If the Discord associated with the wiki fails to uphold the requirements for affiliation, becomes hostile to the wiki or its affiliate Discord members in any way, or becomes undesirable to the wiki, wiki staff may choose to pull the link at any time. A warning will be issued, and if in one week's time better performance is not found, the Discord will be dropped from the wiki. This is purely for quality control and for the safety of our users.
  • The OJ wiki is not responsible for the actions of users on the listed servers, and will not be held accountable for any interpersonal situations occurring on said servers. Likewise, if an issue is occurring, contact the server's staff (not the wiki staff), unless the issue is widespread enough that we should revoke the server from the wiki.
