100% Orange Juice Wiki

Big Poppo
Big Poppo (unit)
Base Stats
Basic Info
[{{{link}}} {{{voice}}}]

This page is about the Boss version of Big Poppo. For details on the Co-op Mode version, see the respective Co-op Boss pages.

Big Poppo (びっぐ・ぽっぽ Biggu Poppo), also known as Boss Poppo, is a special boss character found in Normal Mode. It was originally added to 100% Orange Juice! for the seasonal Poppo Event (2016).

Big Poppo is a character that appears BOTH on Boss panels in Normal Mode, and also as a minion spawned by Star Devourer and RoPoChi in Co-op Mode. Care should be taken not to confuse the two when going for unlocks.


Summoning Big Poppo

Big Poppo is a rare boss, featuring a much stronger version of Poppo that does not appear under normal match circumstances. While the boss version was introduced for the Poppo Event, the event is not required to summon her to the board as long as the player has the appropriate cosmetics. In order to summon Big Poppo to the field, at least 1 player needs to play as Marie Poppo and wear a Poppo Event cosmetic. This includes:

Each player that is using Poppo and wearing at least one of these cosmetics, will increase the odds of Big Poppo appearing as the boss (instead of the normal default boss) during the Boss EncounterBoss Encounter
When Norma level 4 is achieved for the first time by any player, all Mass encount0 Encounter panels on the map will be replaced with Mass encount1 Boss panels. While Boss Encounter is in effect, any player who stops on a Boss panel will battle the Boss unit. This event will continue until the Boss unit is defeated.
event by +25%.


Achievement and Cosmetic Strategy

If the player is hunting for the achievement or color pack, they could use 1 of 2 strategies to easily accomplish the task. The first strategy is to bring 4 players as Poppo in one of the above-listed cosmetics for a 100% chance of Big Poppo spawning. The player can then respawn Big Poppo multiple times by having each of the players bringing a copy of Oh My Friendicon Oh My Friend in their deck. The second strategy is to only bring 3 Poppos in for a 75% chance and have 1 player as NoName. The NoName player can then use Overseericon Overseer to respawn Big Poppo and all players can pack Oh My Friend to make it even easier to respawn Big Poppo. Fortunately, Big Poppo is not difficult to defeat and given the easy ability to respawn her, neither the color nor achievement is hard to unlock.

Update History

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.13.3


1 IconDefault
0 10000 00
Bpoppo 00 00
2 IconAttack
0 10000 00
Bpoppo 00 01
3 IconDamage
0 10000 00
Bpoppo 00 02
4 IconSuccess
0 10000 00
Bpoppo 00 03
5 IconFailure
0 10000 00
Bpoppo 00 04
6 IconDice Throw
0 10000 00
Bpoppo 00 05
7 IconDefault
0 10000 00
not found
8 IconAttack
0 10000 00
not found
9 IconDamage
0 10000 00
not found
10 IconSuccess
0 10000 00
not found
11 IconFailure
0 10000 00
not found
12 IconDice Throw
0 10000 00
not found


  • While Big Poppo is not a playable character, Poppo can obtain the Cyborg Poppo IconCyborg Poppo color, making her look like a smaller version of Big Poppo.
  • The Normal Mode version of Big Poppo does not possess a unit card. The unit card used on this page was designed by wiki staff for display purposes.
  • Big Poppo was originally announced as an April Fools joke, before being officially added to the game more than a year later.
