100% Orange Juice Wiki

Panels are colored tiles that the player will navigate their characters onto during a match. Every board in 100% Orange Juice! is composed of numerous interlocking panels that add an extra layer of difficulty and strategy to the game.

Each panel has its own unique effect, and some have different effects depending on the game mode. A panel's effect will take place when a player lands on it, if they are not KO'd, after any combat and/or trap cards take place. The types of panels available to land on differ depending on the board, but panels can also be transformed through card effects, field events, and mixers.

List of Panels

Every board in the game features 4 home panels and a varying amount of bonus, drop, draw, and encounter panels. All other panels are only seen on some boards, or are exclusive to a certain game mode or field event.

Standard Panels

Icon Name Effect
Mass check0 Home Panel (Players start the game on their own home panel. Marked by a home marker with the player's number and color.)
  • Level up if the previous norma objective has been achieved.
  • Heal 1 HP (only up to full HP).
  • In Bounty Hunt Mode, select a quest/bounty from 4 random choices and add it to your hand.
  • Players may choose to stop on their own home panel when passing it on the board, but not other players' home panels (except in Co-op Mode and Bounty Hunt Mode).
Mass common0 Neutral Panel Nothing happens.
Mass bonus0 Bonus Panel Roll to gain star amount multiplied by your level (up to level 3 in Normal Mode).
Mass drop0 Drop Panel Roll to lose star amount multiplied by your level.
Mass draw0 Draw Panel Draw a card from the top of the deck.
Mass warp0 Warp Panel Teleport to any Warp or Warp Move panel.
Mass warpmove0 Warp Move Panel Teleport to any Warp or Warp Move panel, and then roll and move again.
Mass encount0 Encounter Panel Face a random enemy unit in combat (differs depending on game mode).
Mass encount1 Boss Encounter Panel Face this board's boss in combat (differs depending on game mode).
Mass move0 Move Panel Roll and move again.
Mass snow0 Ice Panel Slide to the next panel without deducting from the move roll.
Mass mud Goo Panel Deduct 2 points from the move roll instead of 1.
Mass heal Heal Panel Heal 1 HP (only up to full HP).
Mass damage0 Damage Panel Take 1 damage.
Mass minigame Minigame Panel (Appears exclusively through the PlaygroundPlayground
Places several Mass minigame Minigame panels around the board. These panels will trigger a minigame for any player who lands on them. The panels are then removed at the end of the Chapter.
field event.)

Play a random minigame.

Mass boss Boss Home Panel (Appears exclusively in Co-op Mode on Normal, Extreme, and Hyper difficulties. The co-op boss starts the game on this panel.)

Face the co-op boss in combat.

Mass decoration Decoration Panel (Appears exclusively during the Tricked Out event.)

Gain one DecorationDecoration.

Mass playerencount Player Encounter Panel (Appears exclusively in the Chaos Battlefield mutator during the Fool's Gambit event.)

Face a random active player in combat. This battle will last for 10 rounds.

Double Panels

Double panels function identically to their standard counterparts, but have twice the effect. For example, where a player would usually roll 1 dice, they will roll 2 instead. Some boards may include a small number of double panels in their layout, but double panels are primarily seen during the MiracleMiracle
Every 5 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass move0 Move, Mass warpmove0 Warp Move, Mass heal Heal panels, and Mass damage0 Damage panels will become Doublepanel Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
field event/mixer.

Icon Name Effect
Mass bonusL2 Bonus (x2) Roll twice the dice to gain star amount multiplied by your level (up to level 3 in Normal Mode).
Mass dropL2 Drop (x2) Roll twice the dice to lose star amount multiplied by your level.
Mass drawL2 Draw (x2) Draw two cards from the top of the deck.
Mass warpmoveL2 Warp Move (x2) Teleport to any Warp or Warp Move panel, and then roll twice the dice and move again.
Mass encountL2 Encounter (x2) Face a random enemy unit in combat (differs depending on game mode). KOing the unit gives twice the wins.
Mass moveL2 Move (x2) Roll twice the dice and move again.
Mass healL2 Heal (x2) Heal 2 HP (only up to full HP).
Mass damageL2 Damage (x2) Take 2 damage.

Special Panel Mechanics

Consecutive Moves & Warps

There is a limit to how many times a player is allowed to activate Move, Warp Move, Move (x2), and Warp Move (x2) panels in a single chapter. This is usually seen when a player uses a card effect or field event to roll multiple dice during their move roll. If the player ends up in such a situation where they are consecutively landing on these types of panels multiple times in one turn, they are limited to a maximum of 5 extra move rolls. Upon reaching this limit, the player will no longer be able to activate any more of these panels for the rest of their turn, simply stopping on the panel without activating it.

Consecutive Ice Panels

There is a limit to how many ice panels a player can travel across in sequence. Ice panels normally do not deduct from the player's move roll; however, after crossing 10 ice panels in a row, the next panel will automatically deduct from the move roll regardless of the panel's type. This means that, given a long enough sequence of ice panels, the maximum distance that a player can travel is 11 times the player's remaining move roll.

Dead Ends

A number of boards contain dead ends, which are locations on the board where the player cannot continue moving forward and is forced to land on either a Warp or Warp Move panel in order to warp back to the main part of the board. However, the player may sometimes end up stuck in a dead end. This usually occurs in one of 3 ways:

  • The FreezeFreeze
    Every 5 Chapters, 1/3 of the board's panels become Mass snow0 Ice panels. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home panels.
    field event (or Poppo Frostwalk effect) has turned the panel into an Ice panel.
  • The player activated too many consecutive Move or Warp Move panels and thus can't activate the panel.
  • The card Mix Phenomenonicon Mix Phenomenon has turned the panel into one that is not a Warp or Warp Move panel.

In any of these cases, the player will retrigger the panel effect on their next turn. If the panel is not a Warp or Warp Move panel at the time the player rolls, the player will not move anywhere, and will continue to be unable to do so until the panel turns back into a Warp or Warp Move panel.

Update History

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.12

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.9.2

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.0
  • Goo panel added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.3
  • Damage and Damage (x2) panels added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.0
  • Boss Home panel added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.27
  • Minigame panel added with the School Crashers event.
  • Heal and Heal (x2) panels added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.16
  • Ice panel added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.9.9
  • Warp Move and Warp Move (x2) panels added with the Subspace Tunnelicon Subspace Tunnel Hyper card.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.9
  • Move and Move (x2) panels added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.6
  • Encounter (x2) panel added.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.0
  • Home, Neutral, Bonus, Drop, Draw, Warp, Encounter, Boss Encounter, Bonus (x2), Drop (x2), and Draw (x2) panels added.
