100% Orange Juice Wiki
Can Always Go Faster Can Always Go Faster
Even the sky is no limit.

Can Always Go Faster is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice!.


Evade 3 times under the effects of Accelerating Skyicon Accelerating Sky in a single game.


  • The evades do not have to be successful, and can be completed over the course of multiple uses of Accelerating Sky.


  • It is ideal to bring 3 copies of Accelerating Skyicon Accelerating Sky in order to maximize the effect. Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods increases the chances of the card being played.
  • Playing a character with high EVD, such as Suguri or Hime (Moonlight), encourages surviving the encounters. While the achievement only checks for evasion attempts, failing an evasion often spells KO, possibly leading to Accelerating Sky wearing off unceremoniously.