100% Orange Juice Wiki

Boss units are NPC characters that are battled when landing on Mass encount1 Boss panels. There are two main categories of bosses; standard bosses and co-op bosses.

  • In Normal Mode and Xmas Mode, the boss that is fought is dependent on the board being played on (except in the case of Big Poppo, who can appear on any board if conditions are met).
  • In Co-op Mode, the co-op boss will be fought.
  • In Bounty Hunt Mode, the boss is always Moss Golem.
Standard Bosses Co-op Bosses
Big Poppo
Flying Castle (Boss)
Moss Golem
Shifu Robot (Boss)
Store Manager (Boss)
Big the Haruo
Big the Jonathan
M10 Robot
Star Devourer
Summer Beast
Swimming Coach