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All panels besides any Warp, and Home panels will be randomized every chapter.

Rule Changes

  • At the beginning of every chapter, all panels which aren't Mass check0 Home, Mass warp0 Warp, or Mass warpmove0 Warp Move panels are randomized.


  • Panels can transform into almost every panel type. This includes Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass common0 Neutral, Mass move0 Move, Mass snow0 Ice, Mass mud Goo, Mass heal Heal, and Mass damage0 Damage panels, as well as their x2 variants.
  • Notably, the mutator will not transform panels into Mass warp0 Warp or Mass warpmove0 Warp Move panels.
  • During the Boss EncounterBoss Encounter
    When Norma level 4 is achieved for the first time by any player, all Mass encount0 Encounter panels on the map will be replaced with Mass encount1 Boss panels. While Boss Encounter is in effect, any player who stops on a Boss panel will battle the Boss unit. This event will continue until the Boss unit is defeated.
    field event, only panels that are naturally Encounter panels may become Mass encount1 Boss panels. These panels will instead transform into Mass encount1 Boss panels whenever they would usually transform into Encounter panels. Other panels that become transformed into Encounter panels will not be Boss panels.
  • The mutator's effects take place before any field events. As such, MiracleMiracle
    Every 5 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass move0 Move, Mass warpmove0 Warp Move, Mass heal Heal panels, and Mass damage0 Damage panels will become Doublepanel Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
    , BattlefieldBattlefield
    Every 6 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus and Mass drop0 Drop panels will become Mass encount0 Encounter panels. This effect lasts for 3 Chapters.
    , FreezeFreeze
    Every 5 Chapters, 1/3 of the board's panels become Mass snow0 Ice panels. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home panels.
    , GooGoo
    Every 5 Chapters, 1/3 of the board's panels become Mass mud Goo panels. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home panels or Mass snow0 Ice panels.
    and PlaygroundPlayground
    Places several Mass minigame Minigame panels around the board. These panels will trigger a minigame for any player who lands on them. The panels are then removed at the end of the Chapter.
    all take place after the mutator transformation. In the case of Battlefield, it effectively lasts only 1 chapter instead of 3 as a natural consequence of the mutator's effects.
  • The mutator's effects will never transform panels that are naturally Warp or Warp Move, even if those panels are transformed by a different effect.
  • Cards that cause panel-transforming effects all function as expected, but any transformed panels will revert into a random panel once the mutator's effects take place at the beginning of the next chapter. However, any other effects of the card will persist.