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Circus is a playable field in 100% Orange Juice! It was added in Version 3.13.1 alongside DLC 38.

Circus has its own unique music theme. At the start of a match in any mode, the game plays "Field Intro: Circus" ▶️. The music lasts until it is changed by another action (usually a player achieving Norma).

It is featured in the campaigns during Waruda Prison Break Final Episode.

Unlock Info
  • The board can be purchased in the shop for 30000Stars Icon after reaching level 54.
Panel Type # of Panels
Mass check0 Home 4
Mass bonus0 Bonus 12
Mass draw0 Draw 8
Mass drawL2 Draw (x2) 4
Mass drop0 Drop 8
Mass encount0 Encounter 12
Mass move0 Move 4
Mass common0 Neutral 4
Mass warp0 Warp 4
Mass warpmoveL2 Warp Move (x2) 4
Mass heal Heal 4
Mass damage0 Damage 4
Field Events
Every 3 Chapters, a Trap card (Dangerous Puddingicon Dangerous Pudding, Bad Puddingicon Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammericon Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents.)
Every Chapter, a chest is placed on a random panel (up to board size limit). Landing on the panel with the chest will give the player its contents.
Treasure chest stars Gives stars equal to the current number of Chapters.
Treasure chest cards Gives a random hyper card.

Strategy[ | ]

Character Synergy[ | ]
