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Co-op Bosses

Co-op Bosses take center stage in 100% Orange Juice!'s co-op mode. These super-powered bosses serve as the primary antagonist and key to both victory and defeat for the players. Unlike bosses found in the game's traditional mode, co-op bosses are titan-like characters that have massive pools of health, special passive abilities, and their own deck of cards that only they can use.

Bosses List[ | ]

Co-Op Boss NPCs
0 10000 00
Bchicken 00 00

Big the Haruo
0 10000 00
Bball 00 00

M10 Robot
0 10000 00
Gpoppo 00 00

Star Devourer
0 10000 00
Bqp 00 00

Summer Beast
0 10000 00
Seagullboss 00 00

Big the Jonathan
0 10000 00
Ropochi 00 00

0 10000 00
Swimmingcoach 00 00

Swimming Coach

Boss Mechanics[ | ]

As previously stated, bosses in co-op are similar to raid bosses. During the match, the boss characters will play alongside the players as a 5th character. Bosses are powerful and aggressive opponents that will generally attack any player it passes on the board. While every boss is different, they all possess these key characteristics:

  • Each Boss has its own unique set of stats, passives, Hypers, cards, associated co-op boards, and Mass encount0 Encounter panel enemies.
  • Landing on a Mass encount1 Boss panel will trigger a fight with the co-op boss. Bosses always attack first when fought via Boss panels, unless another effect changes turn order.
  • On co-op boards, bosses start the game on the board's Mass boss Boss Home panel, which acts like a boss panel when landed on. On normal boards, bosses start the game on the southernmost panel.
  • Bosses have a pool of 50 or more HP.*
  • Bosses start the game with (50 x Boss Level) stars, and do not gain start-of-chapter bonus stars.*
  • Bosses always move last in a chapter, essentially as player 5 after player 4. They activate cards at the start of their turn.
  • Some Bosses can summon minions, which act as additional players. Minion turns take place after the Boss's turn, and they are generally just as aggressive as the Boss.
  • Bosses (and their minions) can only trigger Mass move0 Move, Mass warp0 Warp, and Mass warpmove0 Warp Move panels.
  • Bosses have their own supply of standard cards and Hyper cards that the player cannot copy or steal in any way.
  • The players win if they reduce the boss's HP to 0, and lose if all four players are KO'd at once. Some Bosses also have additional win/lose conditions.

The HUD[ | ]

For the purpose of this mode, the boss will have a HUD located at the top of the screen in the center. This HUD provides critical information and has the same functionality as a player HUD. The HUD displays the Boss's current HP, selected difficulty, and what card(s) the Boss will play at the beginning of its next turn. Hovering over the HUD will display the boss's unit card, level, current stars, current wins, and active stock effects. This information is always visible to the players, which can enable them to strategize based upon the available info.


Some Bosses also have additional boss-specific information on their HUD.

  • Big the Haruo has an indicator for how many chicken minions are alive on the field.
  • M10 Robot has an indicator for how many stacks of Protect it has.
  • Star Devourer and RoPoChi both have an indicator listing how many stars they possess.
  • Summer Beast has indicators for her current stacks of Hype, as well as her remaining lives.
  • Big the Jonathan has an indicator listing its current number of stacks of its 10-chapter passive.

Boss Card Mechanics[ | ]

Bosses begin each match with a special boss deck containing 5 boss cards, which determines which cards the boss uses during the match. The level of the 5 starting cards is determined based on the chosen difficulty, but are otherwise random. At the start of every chapter, the boss will draw a card from their deck, revealing it to the players. Then, the Boss will play that card at the start of their turn. Once a boss has depleted its deck by using all 5 cards, the lowest level card will be replaced with a card which is one level higher, and the deck will be reshuffled. The boss will continue this process for the entire game. Cards will stop being replaced when they cannot be upgraded any higher. Once replacements stop, the Boss will use the same 5 cards for the rest of the game. With the exception of Level 0 cards, a Boss will never have two of the same card in their deck.

On Hyper difficulty, once a Boss's deck is depleted, it will replace a random card in its deck, rather than the lowest level card. This can result in the boss gaining high-level cards much earlier in the game than usual.

A Boss's Hyper cards operate independently from the deck, instead activating based on certain triggers, which vary depending on the Hyper. Unlike standard Boss cards, Boss Hypers can be played at any time, even at the start of a chapter or the end of the Boss's turn.

Difficulty[ | ]

Co-op features 4 different difficulties for bosses that the player can choose before the match starts: Casual, Normal, Extreme, and Hyper. A number of different factors are affected based on the difficulty chosen.

  • Level: Each difficulty will affect the boss's level, which can range from 1-4. This level has no direct effect, but is used as a variable with certain boss cards (such as Big Po's Specialicon Big Po's Special). Consequently, this can make some boss cards much more devastating.
  • Cards: Difficulty also determines what level the Boss's cards are at the start of the match. For example, a Normal difficulty boss starts with a deck containing cards of level [0,0,1,1,1].
  • Boards: The difficulty selected affects which fields are available for the players to play on. In Casual difficulty, the player may choose between any of the boards available in Normal Mode. In Normal difficulty, the player may choose any of the special co-op boards specifically designed for the mode. In Extreme difficulty, there is a small selection of co-op boards assigned to each boss that the player may pick from. Lastly, in Hyper difficulty, the player will only have access to one board, which is specifically designed to give the boss the edge by synergizing well with its abilities.
  • Reward Modifier: Each difficulty also has its own "reward modifier", which is how much co-op role experience and Oranges IconOranges the player will receive at the conclusion of the match. The higher the difficulty of the boss, the more rewards the player will earn. This modifier is also added to the additional modifiers from Mixers, enabling the player to earn even more experience and oranges. For additional information about experience and oranges calculation, refer to Co-op Reward Modifier.

Difficulty Boss level Starting 5 cards level Board Available Reward Modifier
Casual 1 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 All Normal Boards 75%
Normal 2 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 All Co-op Boards 100%
Extreme 3 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 Boss-specific Co-op Boards 125%
Hyper 4 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 One Boss-specific Co-op Board 150%

Hyper Difficulty

In addition to the usual differences affected by difficulty, Hyper difficulty has 2 additional differences.

  • The boss will have slightly different passives and/or Hyper cards, making it even more challenging to fight.
  • Once a Boss's deck is depleted, it will replace a random card in its deck, rather than the lowest level card.