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Battle Card
Contest of Cuteness
May only be used by the attacker. The battle is decided by a contest of cuteness.
Cuteness = 10 - Max HP - ATK + EVD, but no less than 0.
Instead of rolling for attack, both units roll two dice and add the total to their Cuteness. If one unit has a higher Cuteness, they steal 5x the loser's Lvl stars and gain 1 Win. Then end the battle.
Can only use against players.
3 ☆
5 ★
1 per Deck
Uncommon Card
"Now tell us, who is the cutest here!?" ―Saki

Contest of Cuteness is a collectible Battle card that can be acquired from the Community Pack 4.

Effect[ | ]

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Update History[ | ]

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.16
