100% Orange Juice Wiki
Crossed Christmases Campaign
DLC Required
Patch Added

The Crossed Christmases Campaign, featuring Arthur and Nico, is the third DLC campaign to be added to the game with the release of the Toy Store Pack. Upon purchase of the DLC in the Steam store, the player will gain access to the Crossed Christmases Campaign in the "Campaigns" section of the OJ menu, as long as they have completed at least 1 base game campaign. This campaign is one of average length, with 6 episodes, and no extra episode.

The Crossed Christmases Campaign follows the story of Arthur and Nico doing favors for Aru to help her get ready for Christmas. It is a prelude to the story featured in the Santa Scramble event. Nico and Arthur alternate as the default character in this campaign.


Detailed Information Story Field Field Events Opponents Bonus
Crossed Christmases Episode 1 Dialogue 1 Tomomo's Abyss CharityCharity
Every 5 Chapters, all Players will receive 1 Card at the beginning of the Chapter.
, MysteryMystery
Every 5 chapters, causes any Field Event to occur.
Nico Tomomo Marie Poppo
250Stars Icon
Crossed Christmases Episode 2 Dialogue 2 Treasure Island BattlefieldBattlefield
Every 6 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus and Mass drop0 Drop panels will become Mass encount0 Encounter panels. This effect lasts for 3 Chapters.
Arthur Marc Peat
300Stars Icon
Crossed Christmases Episode 3 Dialogue 3 Training Program MinelayerMinelayer
Every 3 Chapters, a Trap card (Dangerous Puddingicon Dangerous Pudding, Bad Puddingicon Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammericon Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents.)
, AmplifyAmplify
Every 6 Chapters, all players will randomly receive a +1 bonus to their attack, defense, or dodge stat (marked by a symbol). This effect lasts for 2 Chapters. BoostStat0 Attack stat +1, BoostStat1 Defense stat +1, BoostStat2 Evasion stat +1
Nico Sora Suguri
350Stars Icon
Crossed Christmases Episode 4 Dialogue 4 Sakura Smackdown Air RaidAir Raid
Every 5 Chapters, all units will take 1 damage at the beginning of the Chapter.
, PlaygroundPlayground
Places several Mass minigame Minigame panels around the board. These panels will trigger a minigame for any player who lands on them. The panels are then removed at the end of the Chapter.
Arthur Krilalaris Kiriko
400Stars Icon
Crossed Christmases Episode 5 Dialogue 5 Sealed Archive RegenerationRegeneration
Every 5 Chapters, all Units recover 1 HP at the beginning of the Chapter.
, MiracleMiracle
Every 5 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass move0 Move, Mass warpmove0 Warp Move, Mass heal Heal panels, and Mass damage0 Damage panels will become Doublepanel Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
Nico Fernet Flying Castle
450Stars Icon
Crossed Christmases Final Episode Dialogue Final Santa's Workshop MysteryMystery
Every 5 chapters, causes any Field Event to occur.
Arthur Aru Aru (Scramble)
500Stars Icon

Campaign Rewards

Rewards Name Description
Santa's Workshop shop icon Santa's Workshop board Beat Crossed Christmases Final Episode.
PresentPet1 Present Pet Beat the Crossed Christmases Campaign on Extreme difficulty.
Crossed Christmases (achievement) Crossed Christmases Complete the Crossed Christmases campaign on Normal difficulty or higher.

Update History

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.30
