MinelayerMinelayer Every 3 Chapters, a Trap card ( Dangerous Pudding, Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents.)
AmplifyAmplify Every 6 Chapters, all players will randomly receive a +1 bonus to their attack, defense, or dodge stat (marked by a symbol). This effect lasts for 2 Chapters. Attack stat +1, Defense stat +1, Evasion stat +1
Aru has another request for the duo. This time they must obtain the Accelerator, a toy which is completely out of production.
The character selected by default for this episode is Arthur. The match is played on the Training Program board, with the MinelayerMinelayer Every 3 Chapters, a Trap card ( Dangerous Pudding, Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents.) and AmplifyAmplify Every 6 Chapters, all players will randomly receive a +1 bonus to their attack, defense, or dodge stat (marked by a symbol). This effect lasts for 2 Chapters. Attack stat +1, Defense stat +1, Evasion stat +1 field events in effect. The opponents for this episode are Nico, Suguri, and Sora.
If Nico is selected as the playable character, the opponents will instead be Arthur, Suguri, and Sora.