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Divine Punishment
Divine Punishment
Opponents EllieDark LuluMio
Field The Void The Void
Field Events
Every 6 Chapters, the current field will change into another one.
Campaign Episode
Divine Punishment
Give it your all, Ellie. You're the protagonist of this world.

Overview[ | ]

After failing to corrupt Lulu, Mio attempts to escape and plot a new scheme. However, she is cut short by Tomomo's arrival, rounding out the heroes' team. With the support of all their allies, Ellie and Lulu begin to punish Mio for all her trouble.

Gameplay[ | ]

The character selected by default for this episode is Ellie. The match is played on The Void field, with the ConvergenceConvergence
Every 6 Chapters, the current field will change into another one.
field event in effect.

If Ellie is selected as the playable character, the opponents will be Tomomo, Dark Lulu, and Mio.

If Dark Lulu is selected as the playable character, the opponents will be Tomomo, Ellie, and Mio.

If any other character is selected as the playable character, the opponents will be Ellie, Dark Lulu, and Mio.

If Ellie is not owned, then no character is selected by default.

Unlock Info[ | ]

This episode cannot currently be unlocked.

This episode could be unlocked during the Memory Menders event, after reaching the end of the event map. After being unlocked, this campaign episode can be played anytime, even after the event's conclusion.

Strategy[ | ]

The main difficulty of the episode is managing the field. The Void is a rather large field already, however, the ConvergenceConvergence
Every 6 Chapters, the current field will change into another one.
field event can make navigation even tougher. As a result, staying aware of the state of the field is very important. ConvergenceConvergence
Every 6 Chapters, the current field will change into another one.
occurs consistently on every 6th chapter, so keeping track of when to expect a field change can aid with decision-making.

If Tomomo is present, she will likely be the player's main rival due to her terrifying statline allowing her to amass a surplus of wins and stars. Three of the four possible opponents have at least +1 ATK, meaning defensive precautions are very useful, whether they be cards like Rbitsicon Rbits or taking advantage of The Void's Mass heal Heal panels.

Rewards[ | ]

Although this campaign episode can be played anytime if unlocked, unlike Waruda Christmas Party, campaign rewards cannot be earned outside the event period.

Trivia[ | ]

  • This campaign episode is part of the Memory Menders event campaign.
  • The game plays "Field Intro: The Void" ▶️ for the entirety of the episode, whilst standard games on The Void only play it until it is changed by another action.
  • This episode uses the unique field event ConvergenceConvergence
    Every 6 Chapters, the current field will change into another one.
    , which cannot be selected in standard games.