100% Orange Juice Wiki

Tips[ | ]

Unsurprisingly, Fernet should always go for star norma unless she manages to attain many wins through bizarre circumstances. While it is not impossible, it is highly unlikely for players to get wins with her. Generally, Fernet breezes through collecting and protecting her stars thanks to her stats. Consequently, opponents often ignore her in the early game and wait until the late game to try to KO her. Fernet should focus on Mass draw0 Draw and Mass bonus0 Bonus panels to both ensure more stars for norma, and maintain an appropriate supply of cards to heal and protect her in the late game.

Playing As Fernet
  • As Fernet is not card reliant, Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange is highly advised to remove card from other players that will either let them earn more stars than Fernet or get through her solid defensive stats. Flamethrowericon Flamethrower can also be used, but is less reliable.
  • Healing cards such as Dinnericon Dinner, Puddingicon Pudding, and Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie can help Fernet survive longer.
  • Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods can draw helpful event cards such as Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange and Dinnericon Dinner. However, it can also draw Fernet's Hyper which will damage her if another player uses it so if you choose to deck this card, try to keep your Hyper out of your hand.
  • Oh My Friendicon Oh My Friend can summon the Mass encount1 Boss which other players are more likely to die to, however it's recommended you attempt to use it though Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods. Similarly, Pet Snacksicon Pet Snacks buffs Mass encount0 Encounter panel enemies.
Playing Against Fernet

Recommended Cards[ | ]

Standard Recommended Viable

Dinnericon Dinner
Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange
Puddingicon Pudding
Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie

Flamethrowericon Flamethrower
Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods
Portable Puddingicon Portable Pudding

Oh My Friendicon Oh My Friend
Pet Snacksicon Pet Snacks

Counter Cards[ | ]

Recommended Viable

Dark Side of Businessicon Dark Side of Business

Heat 300%icon Heat 300%
Poppoformationicon Poppoformation
