100% Orange Juice Wiki
Field Events

Field events are an extra element of randomness in 100% Orange Juice! that are tied to the board the player is playing on. Field events are repeating effects that activate after a predefined number of chapters that affect either the characters or panels during the course of a match.

Most boards have default field events, but the player can choose to make the field events random or turn them off entirely before a match begins (only in noncampaign play). Field events can change the outcome of a game substantially, as they provide players with opportunities they normally cannot receive, for better or for worse.

Viewing Field Events


The player can view the field events that are active on the board at any time during a match by hovering their cursor over the "Info" button. This button is an orange button that is always located on the right side of the screen in between the player 2 and player 4 HUDs. Doing so will display all the board information in a box in the middle of the screen. This box contains the current chapter number, the current "bonus" stars awarded at the beginning of the chapter, the field events present on the board, and any card duration effects that may be active.

If a field event is lit up in green, then its effect is currently active during the chapter. If it is marked in the normal grey, then it is currently not active and will occur at a later chapter. Unfortunately for the player, there is no way to view how many chapters until the field event triggers, however, the table in the next section provides this information. In the below example, it is chapter 10 and thus Air Raid, Playground!, and Miracle are active as they trigger on every 5th chapter.


Field Event List

Field events occur every set amount of chapters, so an effect that activate on chapter 5 will activate on chapter 10, etc. Most field events only last 1 chapter but not all. Below is a comprehensive list of all the field events that may occur during a match.

Standard Field Events

Name Chapters Effect
Air Raid
All units will take 1 damage at the beginning of the Chapter.
All units will randomly receive a bonus stat (BoostStat0 ATK +1, BoostStat1 DEF +1, BoostStat2 EVD +1). This effect lasts for 2 Chapters.
All units move in the reverse direction. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
All Mass bonus0 Bonus and Mass drop0 Drop panels will become Mass encount0 Encounter panels. This effect lasts for 3 Chapters.
A visible bomb is placed on a random panel. The bomb will explode within 1 to 4 Chapters, and units within 3 panels in a cross-shaped area of the bomb panel will take 2 damage.
All players will draw 1 card at the beginning of the Chapter.
All player's cards are rearranged and put face-down, making the cards unreadable to both the owner and other players. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
A fishing minigame activates for all players.
1/3 of the board's panels become Mass snow0 Ice panels. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home panels.
1/3 of the board's panels become Mass mud Goo panels. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home panels or Mass snow0 Ice panels.
Home Roulette
All Mass check0 Home panels randomly switch places at the beginning of the Chapter.
A Trap card (Dangerous Puddingicon Dangerous Pudding, Bad Puddingicon Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammericon Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents)
All Mass bonus0 Bonus, Mass drop0 Drop, Mass encount0 Encounter, Mass draw0 Draw, Mass move0 Move, Mass warpmove0 Warp Move, Mass heal Heal, and Mass damage0 Damage panels will become 2x panels. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
Causes any of the listed field events to occur.
Random Mass minigame Minigame panels spawn around the board. Landing on one triggers a minigame. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home panels.
Random Warp
All units will be warped to randomly chosen panels at the beginning of the Chapter.
All units will recover 1 HP at the beginning of the Chapter.
Several mushrooms are placed on random panels. Landing on a panel with a mushroom will give the player a mushroom card.
All units roll double dice for movement. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
A chest is placed on a random panel (up to board size limit). Landing on the panel with the chest will give the player its contents.

Treasure chest stars Gives stars equal to the current number of Chapters, Treasure chest cards Gives a random hyper card.

Placeholder Field Events

The following field event options are not field events that occur during the game, but are instead used as special placeholders when setting up a custom or online match. Three field event slots are available, and each slot can contain any placeholder or a non-duplicate field event from the above list.

Name Effect
This placeholder prevents any field events from being selected for its slot. Appears blank when selected manually. Can be chosen by the Random placeholder and appears in the random filter list.
This placeholder causes a map's default field event to be selected for its slot. Can only be used with random map selection.
This placeholder causes a random non-duplicate field event to be selected for its slot. A filter list allows the player to customize the random selection.

Automatic Field Events

There are a number of field events which are not listed on a board, but instead depend on the current game mode being played. They take place automatically, cannot be removed, and will occur every match regardless of the settings or conditions.

Name Game Mode Trigger Effect
Boss Encounter
All except Co-op Mode Norma level 4 is achieved for the first time by any player
All Mass encount0 Encounter panels on the map will be replaced with Mass encount1 Boss panels. While Boss Encounter is in effect, any player who stops on a Boss panel will battle the Boss unit. This field event will continue until the Boss unit is defeated.
Co-op Mode Every 2 Chapters (before Chapter 40)
Every Chapter (Chapter 40 onwards)
Random Mass encount1 Boss panels spawn around the board. The amount of spawned panels increases as the game progresses. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter and does not affect Mass check0 Home, Mass warp0 Warp, or Mass warpmove0 Warp Move panels.
Chaos Battlefield
Chaos Mode
(Chaos Battlefield)
Every 10 Chapters
All panels will become Mass playerencount Player Encounter panels, and the option to stop on home markers is disabled. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
Chaos Mode
Chapter 1 / Every 8 Chapters
All players gain an amount of stars equal to their current HP, then every player's HP becomes 1.
Chaos Mode
Every 6 Chapters
All Mass bonus0 Bonus and Mass drop0 Drop panels will become Mass heal Heal panels. This effect lasts for 3 Chapters.
Campaign Mode
(Divine Punishment)
Every 6 Chapters
Current field will change to another random one.

Special Field Event Mechanics

Simultaneous Field Events

When two or more field events are set to activate on the same chapter, they are activated in a consistent order, always applying one given field event before another. This allows some potentially-conflicting combinations to be handled consistently:

  • Air Raid, Regeneration: Air Raid's damage activates before Regeneration's healing. This generally means units at 1 HP will be KO'd while other units are not affected.
  • Freeze, Goo, Playground!: Panels affected by Freeze and Goo (or by Freeze and Playground!) act as Mass snow0 Ice panels. Panels affected by Goo and Playground! act as Mass mud Goo panels.


If a Bomber bomb's explosion hits another nearby bomb, that bomb will also explode in a chain reaction. Each bomb deals 2 damage to units that it hits; a unit caught in a chain reaction may take 4 or 6 damage at once, often resulting in a KO. Bomber bombs do not interact in any way with Invisible Bombicon Invisible Bomb, despite having similar graphics.


If one or more field events are set to activate on the same chapter as Mystery, Mystery's random selection will choose a different field event for that chapter instead. (For example, if the player chooses Minelayer and Mystery as field events for a match, Mystery will not select Minelayer on chapter 15.)

Mystery's random selection takes place before any field events activate. Then each field event (including the randomly-selected field event) is activated in a consistent order as previously mentioned.
