100% Orange Juice Wiki
Fighting the Windmills Fighting the Windmills
Survive 50 chapters against Big the Jonathan on Hyper difficulty.

Fighting the Windmills is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice!.


Win a Co-op game against Big the Jonathan on Hyper difficulty by surviving 50 Chapters.


  • The achievement will not unlock if Big the Jonathan is KO'd at Chapter 50.


  • Since you need to deal little damage while surviving extreme amounts of damage from Big the Jonathan each chapter, the Guardian and Support roles, as well as defensive and healing cards, are strongly recommended. For example, a team of 4 Kyokos all using the Guardian role can tank his damage extremely effectively.
  • If the Joker mixer is active, it is easily achievable with at least 2 Dealers and 1 Support. Aru is recommended as Dealer since she can supply cards to herself and her teammates using Present for You (Co-op)icon Present for You. Cuties is also recommended, as their Hyper Special Stage (Co-op)icon Special Stage protects from triggering Boss panels. Halena is also viable as a Dealer, as her Hyper Safe Journeyicon Safe Journey can protect from Big the Jonathan's numerous out-of-battle damage cards. Chicken is recommended as Support due to its low REC and can quickly generate stars using Golden Egg (Co-op)icon Golden Egg. Shifu Robot is also recommended as Support due to its auto-revive and self-healing passives. The Flipped mixer can also be helpful, since it greatly reduces Big the Jonathan's combat efficiency by inverting his ATK every 3 chapters.
  • Fernet is also good as role Guardian because of her high HP and DEF. Unlike Kyoko, she can evade to self KO in case dealing damage to Big the Jonathan on counter-attack is not desirable, being careful if Wave of Despairicon Wave of Despair is not coming soon. Also is preferable to use the Role Hyper Lifeguard on the White Beachicon Lifeguard on the White Beach instead of her Hyper Air Strike (Co-op)icon Air Strike, as it is useless for this achievement.
  • Sweet Breaker's Hyper, Melting Memories (Co-op)icon Melting Memories, can be used to delay some of Big the Jonathan's inconvenient cards at a relatively low cost.
  • Miusaki's Hyper, Solid Witchicon Solid Witch, can deny any damage taken for one turn, buying precious time for the team, though her +1 ATK might be a bit troublesome for late games.
  • Shifu's Hyper, Ideal World (Co-op)icon Ideal World can place a robot unit to fight in battle on behalf of any player for 2 chapters, effectively preventing the player from suffering any battle damage from Big the Jonathan.
  • Serene Hushicon Serene Hush and Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat are must-have cards for players to survive. Shieldicon Shield can also help deny combat damage from the Boss, but Shield Countericon Shield Counter is not recommended due to the high damage caused by its counter-attack. Reverse Attribute Fieldicon Reverse Attribute Field and Serious Battleicon Serious Battle can also be viable, but do note that you might take battle damage and deal damage to the Boss.
  • Mix Phenomenonicon Mix Phenomenon is a very strong card, especially when nearly all the panels are turned into Boss panels. It does not prevent direct engagement like Serene Hush does, but it is almost guaranteed to deny combats from Boss panels.
  • Metallic Monocoqueicon Metallic Monocoque is also a good card, as Big the Jonathan has many cards that deal out-of-battle damage. With multiple copies in hand, one can be virtually immune to the boss's out-of-battle damage. For such strategy to be efficient, the team must find a way to maintain their star count as the effect will not take place if the team cannot afford it, and it might prevent Supports from reviving others when necessary.
  • Healing cards such as Puddingicon Pudding and Dinner (Co-op)icon Dinner are very useful as they can help to prevent team-wipes from cards such as Air Strike (Jonathan)icon Air Strike or Aura of Terroricon Aura of Terror. Forced Revival (Co-op)icon Forced Revival can also help in denying Wave of Despairicon Wave of Despair if the situation is desperate.
  • Overtimeicon Overtime is a very powerful card for both the Dealer and Support. Dealer can use it especially in the late game to skip a turn, while Support can use it to revive players who are far away.
  • Extendicon Extend is a must, especially during late games where KOs are generally hard to avoid.
  • Nice Presenticon Nice Present allows more card drawing, it should always be in the deck as it does not consume deck points. Passionate Researchicon Passionate Research can help, but overall Dealers can do the job well, therefore you may want to save the deck points for something else.
  • Mimicicon Mimic can be used to copy helpful Hypers such as Special Stage or Present for You, and possibly proceed to deal out the copied Hyper to other players. Do note that you can't select yourself to be a target of Mimic.
  • Princess's Privilegeicon Princess's Privilege can be included if there is the situation where you want to ditch your current hand for better cards.
  • Holy Nighticon Holy Night and Piggy Bankicon Piggy Bank are all helpful for maintaining a constant star income, which will be useful for reviving and some other expensive cards like Special Stage at level 4 and above. This, combined with Cuties' and/or Arthur's passive star generation, can increase the overall star gain of the team significantly.