100% Orange Juice Wiki
Welcome to the Official 100% Orange Juice Wiki!
This wiki is about 100% Orange Juice!, a digital board game by Orange_Juice. This encyclopedia is written by fans for fans!
115,876 edits made and 2,345 articles created since May 20, 2014.
Please help us to expand the 100% Orange Juice wiki! Visit To-Do for more info.
Character Roster

Kyupita Mimyuu (Jailbird) Teotoratta Alicianrone Natsumi (Sweet Blogger) Chris Saki (Sweet Maker) QP (Dangerous) Tomato & Mimyuu Ceoreparque Miusaki Yuki (Dangerous) Yuuki Krilalaris (Pajamas) Hime (Moonlight) Suguri (Ver.2) QP Store Manager Sweet Breaker Syura Yuki Sora & Sham (Cuties) Suguri (46 Billion Years) Suguri Kyousuke Mei Natsumi Nico Star Breaker Hoshino Reika Mio (Festive) Shifu Shifu Robot Saki Chicken Kiriko Krilalaris Sora Tsih Mother Poppo Halena Sumika Robo Ball NoName (Normal & Head) Aru (Scramble) Arthur Nath Sora (Military) Malt Sweet Creator Maynie Mio Nanako Kyoko Aru Mira Sham Islay Fernet (Noble) Dark Lulu Cook Ellie Tomomo Kae Iru Alte Fernet Sherry Tequila Mescal Watty Arnelle Tomomo (Casual & Sweet Eater) Marie Poppo Hime Random Character Marc Peat Seagull Lone Rider Pomeranius Lulu Marie Poppo (Mixed) Kai Random Character Random Character Marc (Pilot) Flying Castle Merchant Hyper Ellie Kai (Hero)

Latest DLC
Protagonist Pack
Protagonist Pack
100% Orange Juice - Protagonist Pack adds 2 new playable characters original to 100% Orange Juice - Hyper Ellie, the hyped up protagonist of the Part 2 storyline, she is back with a vengeance, and Kai (Hero), the forgotten hero unwillingly lifts up his blade wallet again... the original protagonist is back to save the day! The new characters come with announcer voices!
This DLC can be purchased on Steam.
Character Song Pack- Star Baker Breaker
Character Song Pack: Star Baker Breaker
100% Orange Juice - Character Song Pack: Star Baker Breaker is the third official Character Song Pack for 100% Orange Juice! Performed by Star Breaker (Hirayama Emi), and written by Marie Poppo (Maruyama Miki) and Major Tom
This soundtrack can be purchased on Steam.
Fruitbat Announcements
MAMIYA - Complete Collection
8 years in the making, indie creator Kenkou Land's solo developed masterpiece is now here in its full form! MAMIYA - Complete Collection is an atmospheric, dark adventure intertwined with deeply personal themes of trauma.
Check it out on Steam!
SeaBed Episode 3
SeaBed - Audio Novel Collection Episode 3
The SeaBed Audio Novel Collection is now complete with the release of Episode 3 "Silvergrass Station Cleaning"!
In addition, an original short story "Night Flight" by Paleontology is now available as a free Extra Episode to owners of the SeaBed Audio Novel Collection!
Check it out on Steam and the trailer on YouTube.
Play 100% Orange Juice
Current Version:
Version 3.16
# NAME UTCOFF ZONE Server_Time: -8:00 PST # IN ON AT SAVE LETTERS Mar Sun>=8 2:00 1 PDT # 2nd Sunday in March start Nov Sun>=1 2:00 0 PST # 1st Sunday in November end
Christmas2017Rerun logo

Listed end time: February 20th, 2024 23:00 (PST)
Bonus Events
Event drop

End time: April 19th, 2024 01:00 (PDT)

Next upcoming Bonus Event: Double Star Event
Start time: May 3rd, 2024 01:00 (PDT)
Free Character Rotation
Flag banner brown
Face halena 00 01
Face islay 00 01
Flag banner
Co-op Mixer Rotation
Daily Mixers
Star-chaser (+0%)
Slippery Boss (+25%)
Spores (+10%)
Juicy News
Featured Character of the Month
Qp 00 03
QP is a character originating from the game QP Shooting. She's a human-Pomeranian hybrid girl, always full of energy. Silly and honest, she loves excitement, especially when it involves pudding. One day, while running to the store, she finds pudding for sale. Excited, she buys it to enjoy the next day. But in the middle of the night, Yuki steals it. Angry, the next day QP, along with her friend Rbit, sets off to get her pudding back. At the end of her journey, she finds Yuki, beats her up, and reclaims her pudding. However, Yuki reminds QP that she loaned her money to buy manga, not pudding. QP apologizes, while Yuki and others QP angered during her journey prepare to deliver punishment.
Chinese OJ Wiki

External Links
Fruitbat Factory Facebook
Fruitbat Factory Twitter
Fruitbat Factory Youtube
Fruitbat Factory Steam Group!
100% Orange Juice Reddit