Cannot move.
Gain +2 DEF. Can counterattack.
Enemies who move into the same panel must battle you.
Effect[ | ]
Flying Castle's Hyper is Immovable Object. Upon use, the player will instantly end their turn, as well as skip their next turn. For two chapters, the player gains +2 DEF and becomes immune to any warping effects. In addition, any unit that passes the panel the player is on is forced to battle them, with the player on the defending side.
This card can have additional effects depending on the character that uses it.
- When this card is used by , its "Cannot Counterattack" passive will be disabled.
Notes[ | ]
- This card does not cause other units to stop if they start their turn on the same panel as the player.
- Despite the card's description, Immovable Object does not disable other effects that prevent counterattacking, such as .
Strategy[ | ]
Immovable Object effectively entrenches the player on a panel and renders them unable to move for 2 turns. This can help to lose opponents that are incessantly attacking from the rear, or enable you to KO them. Unsurprisingly, this Hyper helps dramatically for KOing low health characters and for escaping high-attack characters that could potentially deal a lot of damage.
As the Hyper boosts DEF by +2, gives Flying Castle the ability to counter-attack, and forces any enemy that passes its panel to battle, the Hyper opens a window for Flying Castle to take revenge on opponents.
The main downside of the Hyper is that depending on the opposing player's rolls, an opponent might not even roll into the player's space before the Hyper's duration ends. This problem is further worsened if the board is large and has multiple alternate paths, as the opponent may simply walk or warp around the player without entering combat.