Battle Card
If the opponent has not played a Battle card, give them a Freight card and cancel the battle. May only be used by the defender.
When stopping on your Home panel, discard this card and gain 5 Stars.
When stopping on your Home panel, discard this card and gain 5 Stars.
"You may keep all that freight, yes you may." ―Merchant
Freight is a unique Battle card that cannot be drawn from the deck, and can only be generated through the use of
passive, the card, or (if its user is defending).Effect[ | ]
When used in a battle, the card is placed in the opponent's hand and the battle instantly ends before any attacks take place. Neither of these effects take place if the opponent also uses a Battle card. This card can only be used if the player is on the defending side in battle.
If the player lands on their own Home panel while this card is held, they gain 5 stars and the card is automatically discarded.
Notes[ | ]
- When Freight is discarded or used without being given to the opponent, it is removed from the game rather than being sent to the discard pile.
- Freight may only be used against players.
- Freight cards will only be discarded when landing on the player's own Home panel. They won't be discarded when landing on the Home panels of other players, even in Co-op Mode or Bounty Hunt Mode.
- Freight will trigger its discard effect before the Home panel is triggered, rather than after.