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Girl Power Episode 2
Girl Power Episode 2
Opponents MiusakiMarie PoppoTomato & Mimyuu
Field Clover Clover
Field Events
Every 5 Chapters, all Units recover 1 HP at the beginning of the Chapter.
Every 5 Chapters, all Players will receive 1 Card at the beginning of the Chapter.
Campaign Episode
Girl Power Episode 1
Girl Power Episode 3
Girl Power Episode 2
Howaah...What were those cute creatures exactly?

Overview[ | ]

Continuing their quest to raise their Girl Power, Miusaki and Ceoreparque head to the next level of their board game. Entering a world full of cute creatures... or more specifically, little characters.

Gameplay[ | ]

The character selected by default for this episode is Ceoreparque. The match is played on the Clover board, with the RegenerationRegeneration
Every 5 Chapters, all Units recover 1 HP at the beginning of the Chapter.
and CharityCharity
Every 5 Chapters, all Players will receive 1 Card at the beginning of the Chapter.
field events in effect. The opponents for this episode are Miusaki, Marie Poppo, and Tomato & Mimyuu.

If Miusaki is selected as the playable character, the opponents will instead be Ceoreparque, Marie Poppo, and Tomato & Mimyuu.

Unlock Info[ | ]

This episode is unlocked by completing Girl Power Episode 1 on any difficulty.

Strategy[ | ]

Episode 2 is rather notably difficult as a result of a bad mix of field events, board structure, and Poppo. The episode is set on Clover, which features multiple positives for the player. Mass drawL2 Draw (x2) panels can help keep the player supplied with card options as will CharityCharity
Every 5 Chapters, all Players will receive 1 Card at the beginning of the Chapter.
. RegenerationRegeneration
Every 5 Chapters, all Units recover 1 HP at the beginning of the Chapter.
will also aid the player in recovering after an encounter with a boss or an opponent.

The positives provided to the player are diminished by the inverse of them, however. While regeneration is beneficial to the player, it's advantages are outweighed, by its detrimental effects. The field event will keep Mimyuu and Poppo alive longer, make it more difficult for the player to KO them, and repair Miusaki's health back to 3, resulting in at least two combats to KO her. Futher, double draw panels and Charity will most definitely supply opponents with hyper cards which can quickly become a problem if Mimyuu successfully loads the deck with Evil Spy Work ― Executionicon Evil Spy Work ― Execution. The player will need to keep tabs on Poppo in particular as Regeneration will repair her health every # chapters and Ubiquitousicon Ubiquitous will be a constant risk as the match progresses. If the player is not careful, Poppo can easily win the match after being left alone for too long. Deadly Mass dropL2 Drop (x2) panels before the Mass check0 Home panels can also be a huge problem for the player as a high roll can easily drain a large portion of the player's stars and prevent the player from reaching their next norma. The last and perhaps most blatant risk of the board is that any route the player takes will have a Mass encount1 Boss panel after norma 4, so the player should be prepared for the very possible chance of combat with a strong opponent.

Rewards[ | ]

  • Completing this episode on any difficulty unlocks Girl Power Episode 3.
  • Completing this episode on Normal difficulty or higher is a requirement in unlocking the Girl Power achievement.
  • Completing this episode on Extreme difficulty is a requirement in unlocking the Witch Hat Homemark IconWitch Hat Homemark