100% Orange Juice Wiki

Voice Lines

When Name English Japanese
Rolling dice Rolling dice 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Eeey! えーい
Rolling dice 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Sure, sure. はいはい
Rolling dice 3 ▶️ ⏏️ What's it gonna be? どうかな?
Rolling dice 4 ▶️ ⏏️ There! はーい
Using Boost/Event/Gift/Quest/Bounty card Use card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I think I'll play a card here. カードを使っていこう
Use card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This might come in handy. 便利なものもあるもんだ
Use card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Ta-dah! じゃじゃーん
Use card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm going with this! これだぁ!
Placing Trap card Trap card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Heheh. ふっふーん
Trap card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This belongs here. これをこっちに
Trap card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Here's a Trap card. トラップカード
Trap card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Look what I've got here. こういうの持ってるんだよねー
Using Battle card Battle card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Battle card! バトルカード!
Battle card 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm not that strong, but this card will help me win! ひ弱な私が勝つには!
Battle card 3 ▶️ ⏏️ For the sake of not getting hurt. 痛いのヤだからね
Battle card 4 ▶️ ⏏️ A little power-up. ちょちょいっと
Using Safe Journey Hyper card 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll lead the way! 私が導くよー!
Reviving Revived 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's start walking again. もう一度歩きだそっ
Revived 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I can do a tad more. もうちょいやるぞー
Revived 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm better now. 元気になったよ
Revived 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Sorry for the holdup. おっまたせぇ
Revive roll failed Revive failed 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I guess I need some more rest. もう少し休もっか
Revive failed 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm. んー
Revive failed 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That was a bust. だめかぁ
Revive failed 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Arrrgh... くぅー…
(Attack)/Snowball Attack/Bounty Attack Attack 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Eey! ええい!
Attack 2 ▶️ ⏏️ *Slap slap*! ぺっしぺっし!
Attack 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Hoy! ほい!
Attack 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Tey! てい!
Taking out-of-battle damage Effect Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Ouch! いたっ
Effect Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurts! いってぇ
Effect Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ How dare you! んもう!
Effect Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Uuugh! くぁあっ
Healing Healing 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Phew, that feels real good. ふー いいねぇ
Healing 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm getting my energy back! 体力が回復してる!
Healing 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I feel much better already. 元気が出てくる
Healing 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, this is incredible! おー すごい!
Warping Warp 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Hey! ちょっとぉ!
Warp 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Wawawah! わわわぁ!
Warp 3 ▶️ ⏏️ This ruins my whole travel itinerary! こういうの困るんですけど!
Warp 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Awah! あわぁ!
KO'd out-of-battle KO 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I can't keep standing anymore. もう無理
KO 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oww. きゅー
KO 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'd better not do things I'm not good at. 無理はできないね
KO 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, come on. もーう
Battle (Attacker) Challenging enemy 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I might as well attack first. 先にしかけるしかないか
Challenging enemy 2 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm ready to do this! やるよ!
Challenging enemy 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm going to have to get you out of my way. そこをどいてもらおうかな
Challenging enemy 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Yah! やー!
Battle (Defender) Being challenged 1 ▶️ ⏏️ What?! ええっ
Being challenged 2 ▶️ ⏏️ What's wrong with you? 急になんなの
Being challenged 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm scared! こわっ
Being challenged 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Don't do this. やめてよぉ
Attacking Attack in battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Soryah! そりゃ!
Attack in battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Hah! はい!
Attack in battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Take this! これで!
Attack in battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Yaah yaah! やーやー!
Light Damage Damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Kyah! きゃっ
Damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Wah! わぁ!
Damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ That hurt. いちち
Damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Aaah! んぁあ!
Heavy Damage Major damage 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That actually hurt! 痛いって
Major damage 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Gyah! ぎゃあ!
Major damage 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Why would you do this to me?! なんなの!
Major damage 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Guwah! ぐわあ!
Evading Evasion 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That was so close. あっぶ
Evasion 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh gosh. ひぇ
Evasion 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Will you quit it? やめてってば
Evasion 4 ▶️ ⏏️ So close, so super close. あっぶあぶ
Winning in Battle Winning a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ *Sigh* I'm not the fighting type. はぁ バトル向きじゃないんだよ私
Winning a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Well done, me... 私頑張った…
Winning a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Boy, that was scary. はー 怖かった
Winning a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I almost got beaten. あぶなかったぁ
KO'd in Battle/Losing Game Losing a battle 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh no... ええ…
Losing a battle 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Of course... こうなるわけね…
Losing a battle 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I don't want to do this anymore... もうやだー
Losing a battle 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You jerk! ばかー!
Bonus Panel Bonus panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ We got us some treasure. お宝だね
Bonus panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's pick these up. 拾ってこっか
Bonus panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Travel requires money. 旅にはお金も必要だよ
Bonus panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ It's my lucky day! ラッキー!
Drop Panel Drop panels 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Wait, hey, wait I say! ちょいちょいちょい!
Drop panels 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh my gosh. やだってばもー
Drop panels 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I really didn't want to see this happen! それはホントにいやー!
Drop panels 4 ▶️ ⏏️ No...! ああ…っ
Stepping on Trap Stepping on a trap 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Seriously?! うっそ!?
Stepping on a trap 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This is cruel! ひっどい!
Stepping on a trap 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Why is there a trap here! なんでこんなとこに!
Stepping on a trap 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I can't believe I couldn't find it. 私が気付かなかったなんて
Vs. Boss Encountering a boss 1 ▶️ ⏏️ That thing looks really dangerous. 危ない気配がするよ
Encountering a boss 2 ▶️ ⏏️ This is not good. やばいねぇこれは
Encountering a boss 3 ▶️ ⏏️ The air feels heavy around here... 重い空気…
Encountering a boss 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh my gosh... Look what we have here. これはこれは… えらいのが出ちゃったね
Star Norma Star Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Money is important. お金は大事だよ
Star Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ A travel to gather stars sounds like a ton of fun, too. スターを集める旅もいいね
Star Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ You need money to live, after all. 生きるには必要だからね お金
Star Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's gather these on our way, shall we? 集めていこっか
Wins Norma/Fame Norma Win Norma 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm, I'm not a big fan of things of that sort. うーん そういうのはなー
Win Norma 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh well, I guess I have no choice. まー やるしかないか
Win Norma 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I also sometimes feel like going wild. 暴れたいって気分のときもあるよね
Win Norma 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Fine fine, I'll do it. くー やるかぁ
Selecting Character Selecting character 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm Halena. ハレナだよ
Selecting character 2 ▶️ ⏏️ You need my help? 私の力が必要かい?
Selecting character 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I'll guide you to victory. 君を勝利まで案内しよう
Selecting character 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm the guide, Halena! 私は案内人のハレナ!
Starting Game Game starts 1 ▶️ ⏏️ A fun journey begins with the first step. 楽しい旅路の始まりだね
Game starts 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Say, are you good in shape? さー 体調は万全かい?
Game starts 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's make this journey a cheerful one. 元気にやってこう
Game starts 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Perfect day for traveling. いい旅日和だね
Winning Game Winning games 1 ▶️ ⏏️ You're glad you followed me, aren't you? 私についてきて良かったろ?
Winning games 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmph, I'd seen the path to this victory. ふっ 勝利への道は見えていたからね
Winning games 3 ▶️ ⏏️ You know what a good guide I am now, right? どうだい? 私の実力
Winning games 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I really am a fantastic guide, aren't I? やるもんだろー ふふ
Item Drop/Crate Drop Obtaining new stuff 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Always be well prepared for travel. 旅には備えが重要だからね
Obtaining new stuff 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Take a look, I recommend this thing. ほらほら これなんかおすすめだよ
Obtaining new stuff 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Oh, how do you like this one? おっ これとかどうだい?
Obtaining new stuff 4 ▶️ ⏏️ I like that one. 私はこれ好きかなぁ
Whack a Poppo/Track the Card Generic Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ OK! おっけ!
Roll 0 on Drop panel Generic Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ That's a good call. 良い判断だ
Whack a Poppo/Snowball Position Generic Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ I got this. まかせて
Whack a Tomomo/Alte Generic Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's not. やめとこう
Bad Prize Generic Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm. んむー
Star Treasure Generic Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ Nice work. やるねぇ
Neutral Prize Generic Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm? んー?
Battle Prize/Supporter Revive Generic Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ Alright, let's get going! よし 行こう!
Generic Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Here we go! よいしょ!
Using Fury/Iron Defense Generic Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm rooting for you. 頑張れー
Greeting (Home Screen/Joining Lobby) Generic Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ Hi there. やぁ
Miss Prize/Track the Card Generic Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ Hm... Hmm. ん… んん
Generic Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ Great! いいね
Hyper Treasure/Good Prize Generic Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ I'm impressed. 感心するよ
Fail Norma check/Roll 0 on Bonus panel/Miss Match/Bad Prize (Match 2) Generic Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Uh-oh. あちゃー
Using Other Hyper Enemy Hyper 1 ▶️ ⏏️ I usually avoid using things I'm not too familiar with, but... よくわからない物使うのは抵抗あるけど…
Enemy Hyper 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Well, I guess I'll give it a shot. まぁものは試しというもんね
Enemy Hyper 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Why don't I try using this? 使ってみるか これ
Enemy Hyper 4 ▶️ ⏏️ Let's see what will happen. 何がおこるのかな
Special Lines
Vs. Cook (attacking) Special Line 1 ▶️ ⏏️ Cook! You're pulling a prank again? クック! またいたずらしてるな?
Vs. Cook (defending) Special Line 2 ▶️ ⏏️ Are you in a bad mood, Cook? クック ご機嫌ナナメかい?
Defeat Cook Special Line 3 ▶️ ⏏️ Geez, you have to behave, okay? もー 暴れちゃだめだからね
KO'd by Cook Special Line 4 ▶️ ⏏️ You're hurting me. I already said you win! 痛い痛い まいったってば
Avoiding a trap with Safe Journey Special Line 5 ▶️ ⏏️ Hmm, I've got a sense of danger. むっ 危険な気配
Special Line 6 ▶️ ⏏️ I don't think it's safe there. そこ 危ない気がする
Special Line 7 ▶️ ⏏️ There's a trap here! これは トラップ!
Special Line 8 ▶️ ⏏️ That was a close call! あっぶなっ
Avoiding card damage with Safe Journey Special Line 9 ▶️ ⏏️ Whoooa! うわわっと
Special Line 10 ▶️ ⏏️ Almost got us. Phew. 危なっ ふぅ
Special Line 11 ▶️ ⏏️ That would've been dangerous if it weren't for me. 私がいなかったら危なかったね
Special Line 12 ▶️ ⏏️ No use. 無駄無駄ーっと
Avoiding drop panel with Safe Journey Special Line 13 ▶️ ⏏️ Got to keep a tight grip on them. ちゃんとしっかり持ってないとね
Special Line 14 ▶️ ⏏️ The stars will stay in my pockets...! スターはちゃんと懐に…っ
Special Line 15 ▶️ ⏏️ Dropping your wallet isn't even funny. お財布落とすのは洒落にならないぞ
Special Line 16 ▶️ ⏏️ Ooh, we didn't drop anything! おおっと セーフ!
Safe Journey effect ends on Home panel Special Line 17 ▶️ ⏏️ We arrived safely. 無事到着ー
Special Line 18 ▶️ ⏏️ We're at the destination! 目的地!
Special Line 19 ▶️ ⏏️ This is where you wanted to go, right? ここに来たかったんだっけ
Special Line 20 ▶️ ⏏️ We're here. Yay! とうちゃーく いえい

Note: Announcer voice lines cannot be listened to in the in-game Gallery. English and Japanese captions provided by Wiki staff.
When English Japanese
Opening the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Orange_Juice and Fruitbat Factory. オレンジジュースアンドフルーツバットファクトリー
{{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Shindenken. しんでんけん
Title screen {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ 100% Orange Juice! 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ!
Start of player 1 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 1. プレイヤーワン
Start of player 2 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 2. プレイヤーツー
Start of player 3 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 3. プレイヤースリー
Start of player 4 turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player 4. プレイヤーフォー
Starting a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Battle. バトル
Winning a battle {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Win. ウィン
Triggering a bonus panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Bonus. ボーナス
Triggering a drop panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Drop. ドロップ
Triggering a draw panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Card draw. カードドロー
Triggering warp panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp. ワープ
Triggering a move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Move. ムーブ
Triggering warp move panel {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Warp move. ワープムーブ
Triggering a trap {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Trap triggered. トラップ発動
Skipping a turn {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Skip. スキップ
Stopping on a panel affected by Immovable Object {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Stop. ストップ
Triggering a norma check without meeting the requirements {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma check. ノルマチェック
Reaching level 2 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 1 achieved. ノルマレベルワン達成
Reaching level 3 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 2 achieved. ノルマレベルツー達成
Reaching level 4 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 3 achieved. ノルマレベルスリー達成
Reaching level 5 {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Norma level 4 achieved. ノルマレベルフォー達成
Winning the game {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Final norma achieved! 最終ノルマ達成!
Attempting to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connecting. コネクティング
Successfully connecting to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Connected. コネクティド
Failing to connect to a lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Failed. フェイルド
Attempting to connect to a full lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Lobby full. ロビーフル
Another player joins the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player joined. プレイヤージョインド
Another player leaves the lobby {{{t}}} ▶️ ⏏️ Player left. プレイヤーレフト
