100% Orange Juice Wiki
Gift Card
Hold the Gremlin
An unpredictable Mimyuu has attached herself to you. At the end of your turn, gain Lvl stars. Will lash out after a random amount of turns, reducing your HP to 1 and passing to another player. Use to pass to another player. Cannot be discarded or removed through any other means. Ignore any effects that would prevent this card's effect from being applied.
1 ☆
0 ★
Seasonal Event Card
Disambig This article is about the Gift card. For the associated mutator, see Chaos Mode.

Hold the Gremlin is a seasonal event Gift card that is available in the Hold the Gremlin mutator of Chaos Mode.

Effect[ | ]

When this Gift card is held, it applies the Hold the Gremlin stock effect to the player. While active, the player will gain stars equal to their Norma level at the end of their turn.

In addition, after a random number of turns, an explosion effect will occur at the start of the player's turn: the player's HP will be reduced to 1, and the card will be sent to a random player.

Upon use, this card will be sent to a random player.

Notes[ | ]

  • This card cannot be discarded manually, or removed from the hand through any other effect.
  • This card overrides Nico's passive, meaning its effect will apply to her despite being a Gift card.

Strategy[ | ]

Dialogue R sm


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Update History[ | ]

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.12 (Hotfix 4)
  • Added an indicator that Hold the Gremlin cannot be discarded even when the cards are reversed.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.12
