100% Orange Juice Wiki
Boost Card
Mio's Christmas Cake
Choose one of the following:
- Eat to gain 1 HP.
- Share with target player to heal them 2 HP, then you heal the same amount.
1 ☆
0 ★
Yulay Devlet
"I'm very proud of this cake that I made. Enjoy ♡" ―Mio

Mio's Christmas Cake is a unique Boost card that cannot be drawn from the deck, and can only be generated through the use of the Christmas Infernoicon Christmas Inferno card.

Effect[ | ]

When used, the player will be prompted to target any non-KO'd unit. This can also target the player. This card has varying effects depending on which player is targeted.

  • If the player targets themself, the player will gain 1 HP.
  • If the player targets any other unit, the target will heal up to 2 HP. Then, the player will heal HP equal to the amount healed by the target.

Notes[ | ]

  • When Mio's Christmas Cake is discarded or used, it is removed from the game rather than being sent to the discard pile.
    • In the Overindulgence Chaos Mutator, Mio's Christmas Cake cards that are drawn from the deck are not removed from the game, and are sent to the discard pile as normal.
  • Mio's Christmas Cake counts as a Sweets type card.
  • If the player targets another unit, and that unit cannot heal (whether due to having full HP or higher, or playing as Kiriko), the player also does not heal from this card's effect.

Strategy[ | ]

Update History[ | ]

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.16
  • Updated description of the Co-op variation.
    • Old description: "Choose one of the following:
      - Eat to gain 2 HP.
      - Share with target player to heal them 2 HP, then you heal the same amount."
    • New description: "Choose one of the following:
      - Eat to gain 2 HP.
      - Share with target ally to heal them 2 HP, then you heal the same amount."

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.13
