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Multiplayer enables multiple players to play together over the Steam network. Multiplayer is accessed from the Free Play menu. One of the players in the game must create a lobby and act as the server. The rest of the players can join that lobby as clients.

Creating a Lobby

If you create your own lobby, you can decide on which map you want to play on. More map choices will be available to you depending on your campaign progress. You then need to give your lobby a name for all Steam players to identify it with. You can then click OK, your lobby will be created, and you will be taken to the Game Lobby screen to wait for other players to join. Other players will see your lobby listed on the connect screen.


Expand/Close Lobby Window

-Slow (1)
-Normal (2)
-Fast (3)
-Super Fast (4)

Turn Field Events ON or OFF Default ON Add Field Event Up to 3 can be added Lobby Name
Maximum characters is 30 Password
Add for Private Lobby

ToolIcon Select Possible Random Events
DefaultIcon Default Events
RandomIcon Random Events
Running a Lobby
Once the player has created a lobby, they will become the host and keep their ability to adjust the lobby's board, field events, and game speed. The player can then start the match without other players present (however their win count will not change if they are victorious) or they can wait for other players to arrive. If other players arrive, the host will not be able to start the game until all players are ready.
The player can also send a friend request to an opponent, using the "friend" button above or below the character image. As host, the player also has the unique choice to kick another player. If a player does not declare they are ready for a certain amount of time, the player will be able to kick the player from the lobby to begin the game. It should be noted that the option to kick is not available during the actual match, however.
The player will keep the above privileges as long as they are the first player in the lobby. If the player loses connection and reconnects, they will no longer be the lobby owner. Leadership will move to the next person in line as player's leave the lobby. When no users are present in the lobby, the lobby will cease to exist on the connection screen.
Joining a Lobby

When a player decides to join a lobby instead of creating their own, they are taken to the lobby connect screen. Once at the screen, the player will be provided with all of the basic information about the lobbies available. The player should pay close attention to the status, if they are looking for a room that is not in game. Once in a lobby, the player will only be able to state they are ready, and will not be able to adjust game settings like the host. The player will also be able to send a friend request to an opponent, using the "friend" button above or below the character image.

While playing a match in a public multiplayer lobby, the time each player can spend taking their turn in multiplayer is limited, to discourage walking away in the middle of online matches and making others wait. When that time runs out, the computer will play for the player. If the player times out three times in a single match during a public game, they will be kicked out. The player will have 60 seconds to play their turn, 40 seconds to defend on other players' turns if they are attacked, and 20 seconds to roll when they are KO'd. These time limits do not apply in private lobbies.


Players in Lobby If brackets () next to number, spectators Lobby Name
Private/Public Password
Steam Friend in Lobby Marked by Green Star

GearIcon Game in session
CardIcon Selecting decks
Idling in lobby
After a match completes, all participating players will gain XP and Stars IconStars for the players' performance. The Stars IconStars are calculated the same way as in single player. The amount of XP earned is 1.2 times the amount of Stars IconStars earned, plus an indeterminate amount when playing with higher-level players. The player's online level starts at 1, increasing as XP is accumulated. The amount of XP needed to reach the next level is 600 + 100 * L, where L is your current level. The online level is displayed toward the upper-left corner of the player plate in lobbies, and also on screens where it is relevant (such as the Shop). At certain levels, you unlock new items at the shop to use in both multiplayer and single player and even shop price discounts.
The player will also receive Oranges IconOranges according to the place they finished in at the conclusion of a match. If they player also completed any challenges in the process of the game, the player will receive bonus Oranges IconOranges.
10Oranges Icon
8Oranges Icon
7Oranges Icon
6Oranges Icon

Desync is when an error occurs in the connection between players while online. While it does not occur that often, it tends to occur in lobbies with poor connection between players. There are two commonly known forms of desync that the player will typically encounter.

  • Frozen/Stuck game: This is when it's the beginning of one player's turn and the system is not queuing them to move (They will not be prompted to roll the dice or use a card). The player's turn will timeout meaning a CPU should auto roll for them, but no CPU takes over, essentially stopping the game. In order to fix this, the player who is controlling the stuck character needs to leave the lobby. This will unfreeze the game immediately.
  • Character glitch: A much rarer desync, but this occurs when the player's character is out of sync with the rest of the players. So, for instance, the player will see themselves using Saki but everyone else in the lobby sees them using Nath. Similarly, this will freeze the game and is solved the same way as above. If the player rejoins the lobby, they will continue as the characters the other players saw them as.

Note: Players should discuss in the chat to find out which player is controlling the stuck character since if the problem's on your side, you will likely be seeing the game stuck on the wrong player.

Rules of Thumb

It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Introduction.
  • Reason: The majority of this page is being rewritten from a neutral point of view, and this section does not meet the wiki's standards for inclusion.
  • Please discuss this on the Discussion page.
  • Always set the game speed to 4.
  • This tip should be followed at all times if the player wants a full room. Speed 4 makes the animation speed faster for movement, dice, etc. As a result, it is best practice to make the speed 4, as slower speeds will make the game take substantially longer just from waiting for the animations (something that many players don't want). If your lobby won't fill, it is likely because the speed is too low.
    • Be polite to your fellow players.
    No one wants to be in a lobby with someone writing cruel or disgusting things in the chat for any reason. Whether it's trolling or not, it should always be remembered that there is a person on the other side of the screen who might not see the "humor". People of all ages play 100% Orange Juice! and for the best experience online, users should create an inviting atmosphere.
    • Know your online lingo
    There are some very common text phrases used in OJ matches that all players should know, just so there isn't much confusion. Many of them are basic.
    • F is often written when a player is KO'd as a reference to "Press F to pay respects".
    • gg is almost always written at the end of a game to say "good game". (rare, but bg for "bad game")
    • wb is a shorthand for "welcome back". Its often used if you leave a lobby and comeback.
    • gtg is sometimes written at the end of a game to say "got to go".
    • 7gull and Jonathan are affectionate names for Seagull.
    • Repa is often used for Ceoreparque and Miu for Miusaki.
    • There are many abridged versions of Star Breaker's and Sweet Breaker's names.
    • dc is sometimes used when a player returns to mean "disconnected"
    • Phrases like Nanora, Wan, Maauu, etc, are character-specific phrases and don't mean anything.