100% Orange Juice Wiki

Trivia[ | ]

  • Nath appears in the artwork for and is quoted in the descriptions of Extensionicon Extension, Price of Powericon Price of Power, and Another Ultimate Weaponicon Another Ultimate Weapon.
  • Nath's dice rolling animation is different from all other characters, as she does not have any arms to throw the dice with, and must kick them.
  • Nath is 5th boss after Sham in the game Sora.
  • Nath's arms were removed after Sora's defection from the military. To prevent others from doing the same, they modified Nath and removed her arms, hooking her up to many more machines, to prevent her from ever have the freedom that led to Sora's defection.[1]
  • Nath's Hyper, Another Ultimate Weaponicon Another Ultimate Weapon, is a reference that Nath is the attempted replacement of Sora, who was considered the "Ultimate Weapon" and thus she is "Another Ultimate Weapon".[1]
  • Nath is named after the Beta Tauri star in the constellation Taurus[citation needed]. This star is also known as Elnath, which in Arabic, translates to "the butting".
  • After being defeated by Sora, Nath is killed by Star Breaker.[1]
  • Nath's blank personality is not one of depression, rather one of acceptance that she will never be free or see the end of the war.[1]
  • Nath is in her mid-20s.[2]
  • Due to her remodeling, Nath constantly has high body temperature. This warmth makes her liked by animals.[3]

References[ | ]
