100% Orange Juice Wiki

Pets are optional cosmetic items that stand alongside the player's character and follow the player during a match. They each have a unique set of poses to match the playable character's poses. Pets are unique among cosmetics in numerous ways. They are the only cosmetic that the player can receive duplicates of, as well as the only cosmetic to utilize the Steam Inventory, allowing them to be traded among players and sold on the Steam Marketplace.

Pets are primarily obtained through the Arcade by using Arcade TokenArcade Tokens to obtain them from the various Pet Catchers. However, there are some special pets that aren't obtained from the Arcade, instead being earned through event rewards or purchased in the Shop. Pets that aren't obtained from the Arcade cannot be traded or sold, and cannot be received more than once.

Most pets also have color variants, which are differently-colored versions of the pet. Each pet typically has 5 color variants, and they function as separate pets rather than an equippable cosmetic. For pets obtained from the Arcade, the only way to get color variant pets is from the Pet Exchange in the Arcade, where duplicate pets can be combined to create a color variant version of that pet. For special pets obtained outside of the Arcade, their color variants can be bought in the Shop after the standard version of the pet is obtained. All pets obtained from the Arcade have color variants, while most special pets do not.

Pets are represented in the cosmetics menu with a PetsIcon icon.

List of Pets[ | ]

Arcade Pets

The type of pet that can be won depends on which Pet Catcher is used. A pet's rarity determines how likely the pet is to be won from its respective Pet Catcher.

Each icon below links to each pet's respective Steam Marketplace page.

Icon Name Rarity Description Color Variants
BitPet1 Bit Uncommon A little bit energetic. BitPet2 BitPet3 BitPet4 BitPet5 BitPet6
ChickenPet1 Chicken Uncommon Evades when no else would. ChickenPet2 ChickenPet3 ChickenPet4 ChickenPet5 ChickenPet6
CupcakePet1 Cupcake Uncommon Baked at 350 degrees Farenheit. CupcakePet2 CupcakePet3 CupcakePet4 CupcakePet5 CupcakePet6
Funky FungusPet1 Funky Fungus Uncommon A fungus in trying times. Funky FungusPet2 Funky FungusPet3 Funky FungusPet4 Funky FungusPet5 Funky FungusPet6
LizardPet1 Lizard Uncommon May or may not live in the center of the earth. LizardPet2 LizardPet3 LizardPet4 LizardPet5 LizardPet6
PiyoPet1 Piyo Uncommon The piyo that came first. PiyoPet2 PiyoPet3 PiyoPet4 PiyoPet5 PiyoPet6
RoboballPet1 Roboball Uncommon For the little mechanic in everyone's heart. RoboballPet2 RoboballPet3 RoboballPet4 RoboballPet5 RoboballPet6
SB BombPet1 SB Bomb Uncommon Don't drop this. SB BombPet2 SB BombPet3 SB BombPet4 SB BombPet5 SB BombPet6
SeagullPet1 Seagull Uncommon Its favourite number is seven. SeagullPet2 SeagullPet3 SeagullPet4 SeagullPet5 SeagullPet6
SearchlightPet1 Searchlight Uncommon Seems to be searching for somebody in particular. SearchlightPet2 SearchlightPet3 SearchlightPet4 SearchlightPet5 SearchlightPet6

Icon Name Rarity Description Color Variants
ButterflyPet1 Butterfly Rare 50% Butter, 50% Fly. ButterflyPet2 ButterflyPet3 ButterflyPet4 ButterflyPet5 ButterflyPet6
DwarfPet1 Dwarf Rare Now actually living up to its name. DwarfPet2 DwarfPet3 DwarfPet4 DwarfPet5 DwarfPet6
GhostPet1 Ghost Rare Who's that behind you? GhostPet2 GhostPet3 GhostPet4 GhostPet5 GhostPet6
NaviPet1 Navi Rare What kind of creature is this? NaviPet2 NaviPet3 NaviPet4 NaviPet5 NaviPet6
Piyo (Eggshell)Pet1 Piyo (Eggshell) Rare Which came first - the piyo or the egg? Piyo (Eggshell)Pet2 Piyo (Eggshell)Pet3 Piyo (Eggshell)Pet4 Piyo (Eggshell)Pet5 Piyo (Eggshell)Pet6
Rabbit PlushiePet1 Rabbit Plushie Rare This plush might be possessed. Rabbit PlushiePet2 Rabbit PlushiePet3 Rabbit PlushiePet4 Rabbit PlushiePet5 Rabbit PlushiePet6
RbitPet1 Rbit Rare Formation Orbit! RbitPet2 RbitPet3 RbitPet4 RbitPet5 RbitPet6
SlimePet1 Slime Rare Said to have a sweet flavour. SlimePet2 SlimePet3 SlimePet4 SlimePet5 SlimePet6
SnowbunnyPet1 Snowbunny Rare Keep it cool. SnowbunnyPet2 SnowbunnyPet3 SnowbunnyPet4 SnowbunnyPet5 SnowbunnyPet6
Thinking BubblePet1 Thinking Bubble Rare What are you thinking about? ThinkingBubblePet2 ThinkingBubblePet3 ThinkingBubblePet4
UFOPet1 UFO Rare Always trying to catch rare things. UFOPet2 UFOPet3 UFOPet4 UFOPet5 UFOPet6
AirshipPet1 Airship Super Rare Coming to give you air support. AirshipPet2 AirshipPet3 AirshipPet4 AirshipPet5 AirshipPet6
CatPet1 Cat Super Rare An elusive creature with a smug aura. CatPet2 CatPet3 CatPet4 CatPet5 CatPet6
FruitbatPet1 Fruitbat Super Rare A bat that has an obsession with oranges. FruitbatPet2 FruitbatPet3 FruitbatPet4 FruitbatPet5 FruitbatPet6
HaruoPet1 Haruo Super Rare Has a golden heart. HaruoPet2 HaruoPet3 HaruoPet4 HaruoPet5 HaruoPet6
LeoPet1 Leo Super Rare The beast of darkness will dance again. LeoPet2 LeoPet3 LeoPet4 LeoPet5 LeoPet6
M10Pet1 M10 Super Rare Natural 7 out of M10. M10Pet2 M10Pet3 M10Pet4 M10Pet5 M10Pet6
MandrakePet1 Mandrake Super Rare Dealing with some deep rooted problems. MandrakePet2 MandrakePet3 MandrakePet4 MandrakePet5 MandrakePet6
PlantPet1 Plant Super Rare Bites the hand that feeds it. PlantPet2 PlantPet3 PlantPet4 PlantPet5 PlantPet6
PonycornPet1 Ponycorn Super Rare Spreading the magic of friendship. PonycornPet2 PonycornPet3 PonycornPet4 PonycornPet5 PonycornPet6
RaccoonPet1 Raccoon Super Rare Is it a raccoon? Is it a dog? Can it transform? RaccoonPet2 RaccoonPet3 RaccoonPet4 RaccoonPet5 RaccoonPet6
Red BarrelPet1 Red Barrel Super Rare Red Barrel is ready to fly! Red BarrelPet2 Red BarrelPet3 Red BarrelPet4 Red BarrelPet5 Red BarrelPet6
Shiba InuPet1 Shiba Inu Super Rare Loyal to a fault. Shiba InuPet2 Shiba InuPet3 Shiba InuPet4 Shiba InuPet5 Shiba InuPet6
Star DevourerPet1 Star Devourer Super Rare Able to warp to anywhere in the world. Star DevourerPet2 Star DevourerPet3 Star DevourerPet4 Star DevourerPet5 Star DevourerPet6

Icon Name Rarity Description Color Variants
RobocrabPet1 Robocrab Rare It's got the moves. RobocrabPet2 RobocrabPet3 RobocrabPet4 RobocrabPet5 RobocrabPet6
RobofishPet1 Robofish Rare Programmed to keep on swimming. RobofishPet2 RobofishPet3 RobofishPet4 RobofishPet5 RobofishPet6
SeabunnyPet1 Seabunny Rare Santa of the sea. SeabunnyPet2 SeabunnyPet3 SeabunnyPet4 SeabunnyPet5 SeabunnyPet6
SealPet1 Seal Rare Seals the Deal. SealPet2 SealPet3 SealPet4 SealPet5 SealPet6
SunPet1 Sun Rare Radiates radness. SunPet2 SunPet3 SunPet4 SunPet5 SunPet6
WatermelonPet1 Watermelon Rare Saved from Summer Beast's wrath. WatermelonPet2 WatermelonPet3 WatermelonPet4 WatermelonPet5 WatermelonPet6
Big the JonathanPet1 Big the Jonathan Super Rare Not exactly all that big. Big the JonathanPet2 Big the JonathanPet3 Big the JonathanPet4 Big the JonathanPet5 Big the JonathanPet6
FrogPet1 Frog Super Rare A frog that isn't too fond of the rain. FrogPet2 FrogPet3 FrogPet4 FrogPet5 FrogPet6
OctopusPet1 Octopus Super Rare Can handle eight tasks at once. OctopusPet2 OctopusPet3 OctopusPet4 OctopusPet5 OctopusPet6
SharkPet1 Shark Super Rare Its menacing jaws would look great on a poster. SharkPet2 SharkPet3 SharkPet4 SharkPet5 SharkPet6
SquidPet1 Squid Super Rare Release the Kraken. SquidPet2 SquidPet3 SquidPet4 SquidPet5 SquidPet6
TortoisePet1 Tortoise Super Rare Is known to always win the race... eventually. TortoisePet2 TortoisePet3 TortoisePet4 TortoisePet5 TortoisePet6

Icon Name Rarity Description Color Variants
GemeranglerPet1 Gemerangler Rare A hidden gem. GemeranglerPet2 GemeranglerPet3 GemeranglerPet4 GemeranglerPet5 GemeranglerPet6
HeliseedlingPet1 Heliseedling Rare Gone with the wind. HeliseedlingPet2 HeliseedlingPet3 HeliseedlingPet4 HeliseedlingPet5 HeliseedlingPet6
Spooky DollPet1 Spooky Doll Rare Its cuteness will haunt your dreams. Spooky DollPet2 Spooky DollPet3 Spooky DollPet4 Spooky DollPet5 Spooky DollPet6
TurnislimPet1 Turnislim Rare Took one turn too many. TurnislimPet2 TurnislimPet3 TurnislimPet4 TurnislimPet5 TurnislimPet6
Wolli'lPet1 Wolli'l Rare So fluffy you could die. Wolli'lPet2 Wolli'lPet3 Wolli'lPet4 Wolli'lPet5 Wolli'lPet6
WuffshroomPet1 Wuffshroom Rare Man's best fungi. WuffshroomPet2 WuffshroomPet3 WuffshroomPet4 WuffshroomPet5 WuffshroomPet6
GlobletPet1 Globlet Super Rare Globlet of fire. GlobletPet2 GlobletPet3 GlobletPet4 GlobletPet5 GlobletPet6
Mini MossPet1 Mini Moss Super Rare Has a heart of gold. Mini MossPet2 Mini MossPet3 Mini MossPet4 Mini MossPet5 Mini MossPet6
PunyzardPet1 Punyzard Super Rare It has been asleep for many long ears. PunyzardPet2 PunyzardPet3 PunyzardPet4 PunyzardPet5 PunyzardPet6
TerrawormerPet1 Terrawormer Super Rare Terrably cute. TerrawormerPet2 TerrawormerPet3 TerrawormerPet4 TerrawormerPet5 TerrawormerPet6
Trol-litePet1 Trol-lite Super Rare One fear. Trol-litePet2 Trol-litePet3 Trol-litePet4 Trol-litePet5 Trol-litePet6

Special Pets

Icon Name Unlock Method Description Color Variants Price
Red & BluePet1 Red & Blue Own DLC 18. White Christsmasher!
PresentPet1 Present Beat the Crossed Christmases Campaign on Extreme difficulty. A wonderful gift that warms the heart. PresentPet2 PresentPet3 PresentPet4 PresentPet5 PresentPet6 25000Stars Icon
ReinPet1 Rein Santa Scramble: Global counter at 10000 castles. Aru's trusty helper. On vacation 364 days a year. ReinPet2 ReinPet3 ReinPet4 ReinPet5 ReinPet6 N/A[note 1]
PigPet1 Pig Beware Pigformation: Free all characters from their Pigformation. Can pigs really fly? PigPet2 PigPet3 PigPet4 PigPet5 PigPet6 25000Stars Icon
Golden EggPet1 Golden Egg Purchase from the shop for 20,000 Stars IconStars each, after unlocking the Minions of the Master ending. A special egg that can hatch more than once.
M10 EyePet1 M10 Eye It sees imaginary numbers, can you?
Elusive StarPet1 Elusive Star Comes from a different galaxy.
PomeranianPet1 Pomeranian Summer Games: Global counter at 0 HP A bit of a fool dog. PomeranianPet2 PomeranianPet3 PomeranianPet4 PomeranianPet5 PomeranianPet6 25000Stars Icon
RoPoChiPet1 RoPoChi Purchase from the shop for 20,000 Stars IconStars after beating Mio's Dark Citadel. GUPPIPOO!
PuddingPet1 Pudding Beat the Old Guardians Campaign on Extreme difficulty. A favorite treat of dogs and witches across the universe.
PufferfishPet1 Pufferfish Master Anglers: Catch a pufferfish during a fishing minigame in Fish-a-Fish Mode. Puffed up with pride. PufferfishPet2 PufferfishPet3 PufferfishPet4 PufferfishPet5 PufferfishPet6 25000Stars Icon
MasshiroPet1 Masshiro Own DLC 34. No longer unlucky. MasshiroPet2 MasshiroPet3 MasshiroPet4 MasshiroPet5 MasshiroPet6 N/A[note 2]
  1. Rein's color variants are currently unable to be purchased from the shop.
  2. Masshiro's color variants are unlocked by playing 10/20/30/40/50 games with any Masshiro pet equipped.

Trivia[ | ]

  • All special pets have a rarity of "Rare".
  • Red & Blue and Masshiro are the only pets that cannot be viewed in the Steam Inventory. If ownership of the DLC is lost, the pet will become unequippable.
  • Golden Egg, M10 Eye, Elusive Star, RoPoChi, and Pudding are the only pets that, along with Red & Blue, do not have color variants.
    • The Steam Inventory contains several unused item definitions, presumably intended as color variants of the above pets.
  • Rein is the only special pet whose color variants are purchased with something other than Stars IconStars.
    • From December 2018 until March 2022, the variants cost 200 Christmas Wreaths IconChristmas Wreaths each.
    • From December 2022 until April 2023, the variants cost 200 Xmas CakeXmas Cakes each.
    • From December 2023 until April 2024, the variants cost 200 Xmas CakeXmas Cakes each.
  • Masshiro is the only special pet whose color variants cannot be purchased, and have a specific unlock method instead.

Update History[ | ]

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.9.8
  • Masshiro pet & variants added with DLC 34.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.5.1
  • Bounty Hunt Pet Catcher added.
  • Funky Fungus pet added to all Pet Catchers.
  • Ponycorn pet added to the Standard Pet Catcher.
  • Robocrab pet added to the Summer Pet Catcher.
  • Wolli'l, Spooky Doll, Heliseedling, Gemerangler, Wuffshroom, Turnislim, Globlet, Trol-lite, Terrawormer, Mini Moss, and Punyzard pets added to the Bounty Hunt Pet Catcher.
  • Fixed being unable to get Bit pet from the catcher.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.9.8

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.9.7

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.7.2

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.7.1
  • Pudding pet added with DLC 25.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.3
  • Summer Pet Catcher added.
  • Cupcake pet added to both Pet Catchers.
  • Butterfly, Airship, Haruo, M10, Mandrake, and Star Devourer pets added to the Standard Pet Catcher.
  • Robofish, Seabunny, Seal, Sun, Watermelon, Big the Jonathan, Octopus, and Squid pets added to the Summer Pet Catcher.
  • Consumables, and the Bit, Chicken, Lizard, Piyo, Roboball, SB Bomb, Seagull, and Searchlight pets now available in both Pet Catchers.
  • Frog, Shark, and Tortoise pets moved to the Summer Pet Catcher.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.2

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.0

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.31.6
  • Hearts (Pink, Black), Balloons, and Rain Cloud consumables added to the Pet Catcher.
  • Bit, Lizard, Piyo, Dwarf, Piyo (Eggshell), Slime, UFO, Frog, Shark, and Tortoise pets added to the Pet Catcher.
  • Pig pet & variants added with the Beware Pigformation event.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.31
  • Arcade added.
  • Fireworks (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow) consumables added to the Pet Catcher.
  • Chicken, Roboball, Seagull, SB Bomb, Searchlight, Ghost, Navi, Rabbit Plushie, Rbit, Snowbunny, Thinking Bubble, Cat, Fruitbat, Leo, Plant, Raccoon, Red Barrel, and Shiba Inu pets added to the Pet Catcher.
  • Rein pet & variants added with the Santa Scramble event.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.30
  • Present pet & variants added with DLC 19.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.29
  • Pet functionality added.
  • Red and Blue pet added with DLC 18.
