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Event Info
Title Poppo Event (2019)
Start September 9th, 2019
End October 10th, 2019
Event Clock
Story Campaign Story
Update Version 2.4
100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.4
  • Poppo?

Overview[ | ]

Solve Marie Poppo's mysterious challenges (or look them up on the Wiki) to progress her evolution.

  • The goal of this event, just like the previous seasonal Poppo Events, is to progressively unlock special costumes for Marie Poppo, by accomplishing certain goals while playing as her. As with previous Poppo Events, there are a number of Poppo-related changes made to the game.
    • Marie Poppo is unlocked for all players during the event.
    • The taskbar icon for the game is changed into that of Rad Poppo.
    • All CPU players in Free Play (both singleplayer and multiplayer) wear a Poppo Mask IconPoppo Mask.
    • All enemy units and Bosses wear a Poppo Mask IconPoppo Mask.
    • The avatar on the main menu is changed to that of Marie Poppo, with a star-shaped meter appearing next to her. This is your progress meter, which will fill up as you accomplish Poppo-related goals.

Unlock Progression[ | ]

Event progress is advanced by "evolving" Marie Poppo through various stages, which can be determined via the star meter, and the special event-exclusive unit color that Marie Poppo is wearing. Both are found on the main menu, in place of your usual equipped avatar.

The first unit color to unlock is Rad Poppo IconRad Poppo. When no Poppo outfits are unlocked, the star meter will include a Marie Poppo wearing no costume. When this meter is filled, Rad Poppo will be unlocked.

To fill the star meter and unlock Rad Poppo, stars must be stolen using Marie Poppo's Hyper, Ubiquitous.

  • A total of 900 stars must be stolen, but doing it in online multiplayer matches counts for triple. This means that only 300 stars must be stolen if playing exclusively in multiplayer.
  • Amount of stars stolen are cumulative over matches; it need not happen in a single match.
  • After accomplishing this goal, returning to the main menu will show an animation of the star meter filling up, and you will be awarded the Rad Poppo unit color.

Rad Poppo can also be received from the Mystery Bag, bypassing this entire process.

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The second unit color to unlock is Dapper Poppo IconDapper Poppo. When Rad Poppo is the only Poppo outfit unlocked, the star meter will include a Rad Poppo. When this meter is filled, Dapper Poppo will be unlocked.

To fill the star meter and unlock Dapper Poppo, Bosses must be KO'd while playing as Marie Poppo and having the Rad Poppo IconRad Poppo unit color equipped.

  • A total of 9 Bosses must be KO'd, but doing it in online multiplayer matches counts for triple. This means that only 3 Bosses must be KO'd if playing exclusively in multiplayer.
  • Only Bosses found in Normal Mode are counted. This includes Store Manager, Shifu Robot, Flying Castle, and Big Poppo. Co-op Bosses will not add to the total.
  • You must be the one to deal the final hit to the Boss for it to count.
  • Amount of Bosses KO'd are cumulative over matches; it need not happen in a single match.
  • After accomplishing this goal, returning to the main menu will show an animation of the star meter filling up, and you will be awarded the Dapper Poppo unit color.
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The third unit color to unlock is Cyborg Poppo IconCyborg Poppo. When Dapper Poppo is unlocked, the star meter will include a Dapper Poppo. When this meter is filled, Cyborg Poppo will be unlocked.

To unlock Cyborg Poppo, Big Poppo must be KO'd while playing as Marie Poppo.

  • Big Poppo has a chance of replacing the usual Boss in a Normal Mode game depending on how many players are wearing a Poppo Event outfit. +25% chance is added per outfit, meaning she has a 100% of appearing if all 4 players wear an outfit.
  • Only the Big Poppo found in Normal Mode is counted. The Big Poppo summoned by Star Devourer will not award the outfit.
  • Unlike other Poppo Event outfits, Cyborg Poppo can be unlocked without unlocking previous outfits. It also does not require a previous outfit to be worn.
  • It can be accomplished in both multiplayer and singleplayer.
  • You must be the one to deal the final hit to Big Poppo for it to count.
  • After accomplishing this goal, you will be immediately awarded the Cyborg Poppo unit color on the results screen of the match you just played.
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The fourth unit color to unlock is Tuxedo Poppo IconTuxedo Poppo. When Cyborg Poppo is unlocked, the star meter will include a Cyborg Poppo. When this meter is filled, Tuxedo Poppo will be unlocked.

To unlock Tuxedo Poppo, units wearing Poppo Mask IconPoppo Masks must be KO'd while playing as Marie Poppo and having the Cyborg Poppo IconCyborg Poppo unit color equipped.

  • A total of 36 units must be KO'd, but doing it in online multiplayer matches counts for triple. This means that only 12 units must be KO'd if playing exclusively in multiplayer.
  • Tuxedo Poppo will only unlock if all three previous outfits (Rad Poppo, Dapper Poppo, Cyborg Poppo) are unlocked first. Tuxedo Poppo's meter will appear when Cyborg Poppo is unlocked, but since Cyborg Poppo can be unlocked without Rad and Dapper Poppo, it is possible to see Tuxedo Poppo's meter without being able to fill it.
  • You must be the one to deal the final hit to each unit for it to count.
  • Any unit wearing the Poppo Mask counts towards progress, including enemy units, Bosses, and player characters. All CPU characters outside of campaign episodes, as well as all enemy units found on Mass encount0 Encounter and Mass encount1 Boss panels wear a Poppo Mask, except for Big Poppo. Player characters only count if they have the mask equipped.
  • Amount of wins earned from a KO do not matter. Regardless of whether the KO was against an enemy unit, Boss, or player character, it would only add 1 to the total (or 3 if playing multiplayer).
  • Amount of units KO'd are cumulative over matches; it need not happen in a single match.
  • After accomplishing this goal, returning to the main menu will show an animation of the star meter filling up, and you will be awarded the Tuxedo Poppo unit color.
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The fifth and final Poppo unlock is not a unit color, but a full fledged costume: Devourer PoppoDevourer Poppo. When Tuxedo Poppo is unlocked, the star meter will include a Tuxedo Poppo. When this meter is filled, Devourer Poppo will be unlocked.

To unlock Devourer Poppo, Star Devourer must be defeated on Normal difficulty or higher while playing as Marie Poppo and having the Tuxedo Poppo IconTuxedo Poppo unit color equipped.

  • It can be accomplished in both multiplayer and singleplayer.
  • You do not have to be the one to deal the final hit to Star Devourer for it to count. Simply wearing the Tuxedo outfit and winning the match is sufficient.
  • After accomplishing this goal, returning to the main menu will show an animation of the star meter filling up, and you will be awarded the Devourer Poppo costume.
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Event Rewards[ | ]

Name Status Unlock Method
Rad Poppo IconRad Poppo Returning Steal 900 stars with Poppo's Hyper, with stars stolen in multiplayer games counting for triple.
Dapper Poppo IconDapper Poppo Returning As Rad Poppo IconRad Poppo, KO 9 Normal Mode Bosses, with Bosses KO'd in multiplayer games counting for triple.
Cyborg Poppo IconCyborg Poppo Non-Seasonal KO Big Poppo as Marie Poppo in Normal Mode.
Tuxedo Poppo IconTuxedo Poppo Returning As Cyborg Poppo IconCyborg Poppo, KO 36 units who are wearing a Poppo Mask IconPoppo Mask, with units KO'd in multiplayer games counting for triple. Unlocks once the three above unlockables are obtained.
PoppoStarDevourerSelectDevourer Poppo Costume New As Tuxedo Poppo IconTuxedo Poppo, defeat Star Devourer on Normal difficulty or higher.

Trivia[ | ]

  • This is the first major event since the Halloween Event (2017) to not have a unique name, logo, or event campaign.