100% Orange Juice Wiki
Female Symbol
Sherry (unit)
Base Stats
Enemy always goes first. If the enemy is Sherry, ignore this effect.
Basic Info

Sherry (シェリー Sherī) is one of the playable characters in 100% Orange Juice. She was added to the game in DLC 6 alongside Sham. She originates from the game Flying Red Barrel in which she was one of the many minor antagonists.


  • Sherry will always attack second in battle.


  • Sherry's passive overrides most effects that would make her attack first in battle.
  • A small amount of effects take priority over Sherry's passive, allowing her to attack first.


A calm and collected pilot who quit The Guild, Sherry is an experienced pilot with excellent play versatility. Sporting an HP stat of 5, a neutral REC stat, and above-average stats in ATK, DEF, and EVD, Sherry boasts a superior stat total to most of the cast that is only matched by fellow aviator Islay and Malt. Consequently, these stats enable Sherry to play either aggressively or defensively depending on the situation. Sherry should have little difficulty either defending or evading on Mass encount0 Encounter panels and KOing the opponent in response. She also shouldn't have much trouble surviving bosses. This can be beneficial over time as Sherry can potentially transition between wins and stars norma as needed based on the direction of the game. The most unusual aspect of Sherry, however, is her passive ability. In any combat Sherry enters, she will always be the defender and attack second. While this may not seem like an advantage on paper, it provides Sherry with utility not available to other characters. On Mass encount0 Encounter and Mass encount1 Boss panels (and against Bounty Hunt monsters), cards that can only be used when the player is defending can always be used, providing a massive boost to the player's survival potential. These battle cards are Shield Countericon Shield Counter, Shieldicon Shield, Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat, and Freighticon Freight. (Even though Bounty Hunt monsters impose a Final Battleicon Final Battle-like effect, Shield Counter will end the battle after its effect.) Similarly, these cards can be used to counter opponent's Hyper cards late-game and can also be used to purposely land on a Mass check0 Home panel by attacking and then ending the battle.

Sherry is not without flaw, however. Despite her strong stats, her passive can be troublesome. Since Sherry will more or less always attack second, she will always be prone to taking damage in combat. If an opponent rolls well, Sherry will be at risk of being KO'd before she can retaliate. An opponent with 1 HP maybe even be able to KO her before she can attack. This can be particularly problematic against bosses at 1 HP, given that they often roll incredibly powerful numbers that could very easily KO the player, even from full HP. Similarly, if the player is particularly unlucky, other players may be able to KO Sherry, as a result of her passive. Another disadvantage of Sherry is that her Hyper has very limited use.


+Very strong base stats
+Can always use defensive battle cards, as a result of passive ability
+Not Hyper reliant
-Susceptible to Reverse Attribute Fieldicon Reverse Attribute Field
-Always attacks second, so is always prone to taking hits in combat.

Update History

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.2.1
  • Fixed Sherry keeping her battle card boost if used with her hyper in the last battle.
  • Using Rivalicon Rival while not being on a flowery panel and attacking someone on a flowery panel no longer gives -1 ATK to both units.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V2.1
  • Character voice added to DLC 6.

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V1.10
  • Added to the game with DLC 6.
