100% Orange Juice Wiki

Playstyle[ | ]

As Sherry, you should aim to play safe and stay relatively passive. Her stats do allow her to take fights if needed however, if a good opportunity to take out a player shows itself or there is no other option to win, Sherry can take the fight. Sherry must keep her health in mind before fighting due to her passive however, as going second means fighting while at lower HP is even riskier than usual. The player should generally prioritize Mass bonus0 Bonus panels over any other panel and prioritize Mass encount0 Encounter panels very low, possibly even taking a Mass drop0 Drop panel over them early game. Cards Sherry should look for are card control such as Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange to remove other's options against her stats and boosted star generation, defensive cards such as Shieldicon Shield to make it harder to take her down and protect her against boss, and healing such as Puddingicon Pudding to heal back lost HP.

Tips[ | ]

Playing As Sherry
  • Due to Sherry's passive Shield Countericon Shield Counter, Shieldicon Shield, and Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat cannot be used against Sherry by other characters and is even able to be used against the Boss in order to ensure a safe fight or avoid it altogether.
  • Card control cards such as Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange and Flamethrowericon Flamethrower can help Sherry by removing cards from other characters who may use cards to overcome Sherry's strong stats through powerful hypers such as Ubiquitousicon Ubiquitous and Extraordinary Specsicon Extraordinary Specs or battle cards such as Big Magnumicon Big Magnum.
  • Because Sherry nearly always goes second in combat, she is bound to take chip damage. Healing such as Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie and Dinnericon Dinner help Sherry heal
  • Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods is a viable card because when others use it they risk the card using Whimsical Windmillicon Whimsical Windmill while Sherry can use it at less risk to use helpful Event cards, especially Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange.
Playing Against Sherry
  • Cards that negate Sherry's stats like Serious Battleicon Serious Battle, Reverse Attribute Fieldicon Reverse Attribute Field, and Poppoformationicon Poppoformation can help the player deal more damage to Sherry.
  • Damaging Sherry greatly reduces her advantage in combat as she is required to go second in almost every fight, meaning the lower her HP, the more likely she is to die before hitting the opponent. Out of battle cards such as Long-Distance Shoticon Long-Distance Shot and Indiscriminate Fire Supporticon Indiscriminate Fire Support lower her HP out of battle.
  • Characters with a high ATK stat such as Tomomo are risky for Sherry to start fights with, as she must first endure the ATK roll of them before Sherry is able to hit back. Big Magnumicon Big Magnum can also be used to raise your ATK to similarly high levels to force Sherry to take a high ATK roll.

Recommended Cards[ | ]

Standard Recommended Viable

Shieldicon Shield
Shield Countericon Shield Counter

Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange
Dinnericon Dinner
Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat
Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie
Dinnericon Dinner
Puddingicon Pudding
Portable Puddingicon Portable Pudding

Bad Puddingicon Bad Pudding
Scrambled Eveicon Scrambled Eve
Present Thieficon Present Thief
Flamethrowericon Flamethrower
Play of the Godsicon Play of the Gods

Counter Cards[ | ]

Recommended Viable

Big Magnumicon Big Magnum
Long-Distance Shoticon Long-Distance Shot
Reverse Attribute Fieldicon Reverse Attribute Field
Serious Battleicon Serious Battle

Heat 300%icon Heat 300%
Indiscriminate Fire Supporticon Indiscriminate Fire Support
Mimyuu's Hammericon Mimyuu's Hammer
Poppoformationicon Poppoformation
