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Boost Card
Smoke of the Lost Memories
Forget your past mistakes and trigger a Bounty Battle. Can only be used on a panel with a discovered monster location. You must possess the bounty to start the battle. Your turn ends after playing this card.
1 ☆
0 ★
"Don't let it run away!" ―Alchemist

Smoke of the Lost Memories is a card exclusive to Bounty Hunt Mode.

It may be purchased from the Alchemist for a base cost of 90 stars. See here for price adjustments.

Effect[ | ]

When standing on a tile with a revealed bounty, the player may use it to initiate a battle with the aforementioned bounty.

Strategy[ | ]

The player may want to purchase this card in going to fight a bounty if they suspect they are either going to get KO'd or time out the battle with more than 10 rounds, at which point after either reviving or their next turn, they may use the card to initiate another battle with the bounty.

Update History[ | ]

100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj V3.4
