100% Orange Juice Wiki

Star Devourer's Playable Cards[ | ]

Level 0 Cards


Level 1 Cards

ElusiveElusive Star ManiaStar Mania Poppo TaxPoppo Tax TitheTithe Ubiquitous (SD)Ubiquitous (SD) SnatcherSnatcher

Level 2 Cards

Sky Restaurant 'Poppo'Sky Restaurant 'Poppo' Highway RobberyHighway Robbery GreedGreed Warp PhenomenonWarp Phenomenon Poppoformation (SD)Poppoformation (SD) TemptationTemptation

Level 3 Cards

Poppo GalaxyPoppo Galaxy Death and TaxesDeath and Taxes Value JudgmentValue Judgment Ransom NoteRansom Note PoppocalypsePoppocalypse


From the AbyssFrom the Abyss Home SweeperHome Sweeper

Supplemental Cards

Sky Restaurant 'Poppo' (trap)Sky Restaurant 'Poppo' (trap) Ransom Note (gift)Ransom Note (gift)

Minions and Encounters

Big Poppo (Co-op) (unit)Big Poppo (Co-op) (unit) Marie Poppo (ATK) (unit)Marie Poppo (ATK) (unit) Marie Poppo (DEF) (unit)Marie Poppo (DEF) (unit) Marie Poppo (EVD) (unit)Marie Poppo (EVD) (unit)
