100% Orange Juice Wiki

Playstyle[ | ]

Like most characters in the cast, Suguri should generally aim for star norma. Although, she can play either side depending on the player's luck and the board. If the player is having particularly good RNG, wins norma may be possible, but should not be considered the main method of victory. Early on in the game, evading and starting on the offensive is more advisable as the player will not fall back much from being KO'd and has the possibility to gain a lead over other opponents. In the late game of norma 4 and beyond, Suguri can use her Hyper to defeat other players who have collected a large number of stars to put herself back in the lead or defend herself from the likes of bosses and pursuing opponents.

Tips[ | ]

Playing As Suguri
  • Due to how her defensive stats work, Suguri is incentivized to defend 4s and higher and evade 1s, 2s, and 3s at full HP, defend 3s and evade everything else at 3 HP, and evade everything at 2 and 1 HP.
  • Cards like Nice Presenticon Nice Present, Princess's Privilegeicon Princess's Privilege, and Home Improvementicon Home Improvement can increase the player's chances of picking up Acceleratoricon Accelerator, or another card that Suguri really wants.
  • President's Privilegeicon President's Privilege can be used to offset the high cost of Acceleratoricon Accelerator, and whatever battle card Suguri wants to combo with it.
  • Rainbow-Colored Circleicon Rainbow-Colored Circle pairs very nicely with Suguri's EVD stat as, while the card will lower her already low DEF, it provides her with a total EVD stat of +4. This means that she always get a survival increase no matter what HP she plays it at, although she might want to hold off on using it at full HP.
  • Since Suguri gets a massive power increase from Accelerator's double dice on its own, she can safely use Sink or Swimicon Sink or Swim to still have a very good chance of KOing players, while also making much more profit off of the KO. Other players using it against her are unlikely to KO her as well, unless they are playing Kae or Sweet Eater
  • Since Flamethrowericon Flamethrower, Brutal Prankicon Brutal Prank, and Present Thieficon Present Thief are some of the best ways of countering Suguri, she might want to bring We Are Warudaicon We Are Waruda in order to be able to avoid them, especially if one of them is on her home.
  • Similarly to Rainbow-Colored Circle, Accelerating Skyicon Accelerating Sky can be used to buff Suguri's high EVD, at the cost of her low DEF. Unlike Rainbow-Colored Circle, however, Accelerating Sky will change the stats of everyone, which tends to make Suguri more likely to KO other players. It wont increase her chances of surviving at full HP, but it wont lower her chances either, and it still is an increase at 3 HP and lower.

Playing Against Suguri
  • Since Suguri tends to have the strongest, or one of the strongest Hypers in a game, Mimicicon Mimic allows other characters to gain Accelerator, which is almost always game changing.
  • As Accelerator is mainly about timing, defensive cards such as Shieldicon Shield, Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat, and Shield Countericon Shield Counter can allow players to easily survive the massive hit she was about to deal. Rbitsicon Rbits can also work, but Suguri can also use it for aggressive plays in order to KO players without her Hyper.
  • The card control cards in Flamethrowericon Flamethrower, Brutal Prankicon Brutal Prank, Present Thieficon Present Thief, Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange, and Scrambled Eveicon Scrambled Eve provide ways of forcing Suguri to discard Accelerator, which makes her have to rely on her unreliable statline instead.

Recommended Cards[ | ]

Standard Recommended Viable

Rainbow-Colored Circleicon Rainbow-Colored Circle
Sink or Swimicon Sink or Swim

Home Improvementicon Home Improvement
Nice Presenticon Nice Present
President's Privilegeicon President's Privilege
Princess's Privilegeicon Princess's Privilege

Accelerating Skyicon Accelerating Sky
We Are Warudaicon We Are Waruda

Counter Cards[ | ]

Recommended Viable

Flamethrowericon Flamethrower
Gift Exchangeicon Gift Exchange
Present Thieficon Present Thief
Shield Countericon Shield Counter
Tactical Retreaticon Tactical Retreat

Mimicicon Mimic
Rbitsicon Rbits
Shieldicon Shield
Bad Puddingicon Bad Pudding
Brutal Prankicon Brutal Prank
Scrambled Eveicon Scrambled Eve
Tragedy in the Dead of Nighticon Tragedy in the Dead of Night
