MiracleMiracle Every 5 Chapters, all Bonus, Drop, Draw, Encounter, Move, Warp Move, Heal panels, and Damage panels will become Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter.
Home RouletteHome Roulette Every 9 Chapters, all player Home panels are randomly rotated.
Peat is once again attempting to challenge Marc to an airplane fight, when Sweet Breaker arrives, intending to stop another fight.
Gameplay[ | ]
The character selected by default for this episode is Sweet Breaker. The match is played on the Lagoon Flight board, with the MiracleMiracle Every 5 Chapters, all Bonus, Drop, Draw, Encounter, Move, Warp Move, Heal panels, and Damage panels will become Double panels accordingly. This effect lasts for the duration of the Chapter. and Home RouletteHome Roulette Every 9 Chapters, all player Home panels are randomly rotated. field events in effect. The opponents for this episode are Tomomo, Peat, and Marc.