100% Orange Juice Wiki

Tomomo's Abyss is the eleventh playable field in 100% Orange Juice. It is set in an unknown location original to the game. The map seems to be Tomomo's realm as implied by the name and due to the player fighting her as the final boss of each one of the main campaigns.

It is featured in the campaigns during QP Final Episode, Suguri Final Episode, Marc Final Episode, Kai Final Episode, Star Breaker Episode 1, Crossed Christmases Episode 1, Old Guardians Final Episode, and Tomomo Hell.

Board Overview[ | ]

Unlock Info
  • The board can be purchased in the shop for 3500Stars Icon after reaching level 24.
A-Tomomo's Abyss
Panel Type # of Panels
Mass check0 Home 4
Mass bonus0 Bonus 16
Mass draw0 Draw 16
Mass drop0 Drop 8
Mass encount0 Encounter 16
Mass warp0 Warp 4
Field Events
Every 6 Chapters, all Mass bonus0 Bonus and Mass drop0 Drop panels will become Mass encount0 Encounter panels. This effect lasts for 3 Chapters.

Strategy[ | ]

Tomomo's Abyss is a large board with a lot of alternate paths that allow the player to avoid specific encounters or drop panels. The map is designed to have players go through Mass encount0 Encounter and Mass drop0 Drop panels no matter what path they choose. It's a difficult map to go through thanks to the abundance of said Encounter panels, and the only healing in the map, the Mass check0 Home panels, are surrounded by them, causing some risk to players that have low HP or are escaping from other players. If a player decides to go on the outer route, they'll have to go over a Mass warp0 Warp panel before they have a chance to making it into the inner route.

  • Wins: Most offensive characters won't lack Mass encount0 Encounter panels, as they can just stick to the inner route and have more chances of landing on another player's Mass check0 Home, healing and leveling them up, on top of intercepting anyone that is going for their Mass check0 Home.
  • Stars: Any star collector will face some trouble as there will be Mass encount0 Encounter panels no matter the path they chose and their home will be surrounded by them, as well as having a Mass drop0 Drop panel in the vicinity. Having a good DEF stat or stat-increasing and healing cards in hand will be a necessity to survive.

Character Synergy[ | ]

  • Any character with a high ATK stat such as Yuki or Star Breaker will be able to fend themselves really well.
  • Characters with high DEF like Kyoko or Fernet won't be bothered by the Mass encount0 Encounter or Mass encount1 Boss panels and can reach Mass check0 Home safely
  • Any character that is not prepared for combat like Aru will have a hard time in the map as the Mass encount0 Encounter panels are many, Mass warp0 Warp panels are scarce and paths are straightforward, making it harder to shake off any pursuer.
  • Cuties will have a very hard time here as they must always choose stars instead of wins.