100% Orange Juice Wiki
Unbreakable Unbreakable
The undefeated victor (DLC7)

Unbreakable is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice!. It is one of 8 achievements associated with DLC 7.


As Star Breaker, win a game without being KO'd.


  • This achievement, while simple in concept, is fairly difficult to obtain. In order to ease the process, play on a decently large map with Regeneration and Battlefield, and bring cards like Saki's Cookieicon Saki's Cookie, Puddingicon Pudding, and/or Dinnericon Dinner.
  • Another viable and more accepted strategy is playing on Kai's first campaign level, against Marie Poppo, Chicken, and Seagull. Lower the difficulty to nerf their counterattack rolls, and you shouldn't need to worry about dying to anything except the boss, which is easily remedied with a couple Rbitsicon Rbits thrown in.