100% Orange Juice Wiki
Version 1.31.6 Version 1.31.7 Version 1.31.8

Version 1.31.7

Version 1.31.7 was released on February 14th, 2019.[1]
  • Added a display for which pig hearts have been obtained for each player.
  • Fixed some scenarios where desyncs could occur in public lobbies.
  • Fixed main menu avatar repeating the same voicelines when the player goes into Campaign screen and then back into Main Menu.
  • In case players disconnect mid-game and game ends with their own character as CPU, made game end ranking not show hearts for them even if they got some while being human players.
  • Fixed the card completion % display.
  • Fixed an issue where checking "Hide Owned Items" and then going to the character section and going to Cards section afterwards would still display owned items on cards.
  • Removed duplicate event pets.
  • Fixed an issue with pets saved in cosmetic slot being changed since the new pets were added.

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