MinelayerMinelayer Every 3 Chapters, a Trap card ( Dangerous Pudding, Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents.)
Home RouletteHome Roulette Every 9 Chapters, all player Home panels are randomly rotated.
TreasureTreasure Every Chapter, a chest is placed on a random panel (up to board size limit). Landing on the panel with the chest will give the player its contents. Gives stars equal to the current number of Chapters. Gives a random hyper card.
Arriving at the circus, Krilalaris and Mimyuu encounter the doppelgangers who framed them, who are enacting a ritual to transform Leo into Calamity Leo and wreak destruction. They fight in a final confrontation to take control of this dark power.
Gameplay[ | ]
The character selected by default for this episode is Krilalaris (Pajamas). The match is played on the Circus board, with the MinelayerMinelayer Every 3 Chapters, a Trap card ( Dangerous Pudding, Bad Pudding, or Mimyuu's Hammer) will be set on a randomly determined panel. (These are not affiliated with the Center Deck's contents.), Home RouletteHome Roulette Every 9 Chapters, all player Home panels are randomly rotated., and TreasureTreasure Every Chapter, a chest is placed on a random panel (up to board size limit). Landing on the panel with the chest will give the player its contents. Gives stars equal to the current number of Chapters. Gives a random hyper card. field events in effect.