100% Orange Juice Wiki
Who Put This Here? Who Put This Here?
There must've been some mix-up (DLC 8)

Who Put This Here? is a Steam achievement in 100% Orange Juice!. It is one of 8 achievements associated with DLC 8.


Draw a Hyper card other than your own from the center deck.


  • While this achievement was initially only possible through the use of Scrambled Eveicon Scrambled Eve, any effects in the game that can shuffle Hyper cards into the deck (such as Evil Spy Work ― Preparationicon Evil Spy Work ― Preparation) may be used to earn the achievement.


  • Using characters such as Alte and Sweet Breaker can assist with this as they have ways of seeing opponent cards. Aru could also be useful in both getting Scrambled Eve and an opponent hyper by means of her hyper Present for Youicon Present for You.
  • Passionate Researchicon Passionate Research may be a good card to bring, so that you know an opponent has their hyper if they use it, meaning you're able to draw it.